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By Mike Johnson on 2025-03-08 08:00:00

March 8th

On this day in history in ....

1983 - The Samoans, Afa & Sika, defeat Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow for their  third, and final, WWF World Tag Team Title in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

1985 - Wild Bull Curry dies at the age of 70.

1996 - ECW held the first night of their "Big Ass Extreme Bash" weekend, at the Lost Battalion Hall in Queens, New York. The second show would be the next night in Philadelphia. This would be Mick Foley's last weekend in ECW as Cactus Jack before going to the WWF as Mankind. Here are the results from the show:
- Kendo Nagasaki & Chris Michaels defeated Damien Stone & Joel Hartgood. After the match, the Sandman ran in and caned all the participants.
- Shane Douglas came out for an interview, and was goaded into a brawl by Brian Pillman, who was sitting in the front row. Bill Alfonso then came out and got into a confrontation with ECW Commissioner Tod Gordon, ending with Taz and Alfonso laying out Gordon until Bam Bam Bigelow made the save.
- JT Smith defeated Hack Myers.
- Chris Jericho defeated Cactus Jack with a German suplex and bridge.   This would be their first meeting in the ring and the only Jericho vs. Cactus bout ever.  They would lock up again when Foley was working as Mankind in the WWF.
- Taz defeated Mikey Whipwreck via submission with the Tazmission. Taz would not release the hold until Bam Bam Bigelow came in. Bam Bam went after Alfonso, and Taz clipped his knee and put Bigelow in the Tazmission.
- ECW Tag Team Champions The Eliminators defeated The Pitbulls when Pitbull #2 was pinned.
- Juventud Guerrera defeated Rey Mysterio, Jr. in a two out of three falls match, winning the third fall with a top rope brainbuster.
- Big Titan defeated Judge Dredd.
- ECW Television Champion 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Sabu ended in a twenty minute draw.
- Buh Buh Ray Dudley & Dances with Dudley defeated The Headhunters when Buh Buh pinned Headhunter B with a cradle.
- ECW World Champion Raven defeated The Sandman after a DDT into a section of guardrail.

2002 - An unusual WWF house show took place in Sarnia, Ontario, as the lineup was shifted due to Booker T & Rob Van Dam being unable to attend the event.  The card was restructured to also take advantage of the Canadian talent on the show.  Here are the results of the event:
- Crash Holly defeated Christian after help from special referee Jacqueline.
- Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Orton.
- Women's Champion Jazz defeated Trish Stratus.
- Test defeated Faarooq.  This was originally scheduled as the APA vs. Test & Booker T.
- Lance Storm defeated Bradshaw.  This was originally scheduled as Lance Storm vs. Val Venis.  Storm, who was a heel at the time, played babyface for the Canadian fans, while Bradshaw, at the time a face, played heel.
- Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac defeated Spike Dudley.
- Rikishi defeated Mr. Perfect.
- Val Venis defeated Kurt Angle.  This match was originally scheduled to be Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle.  Angle got on the mic after the match and claimed the bout "didn't count" because he was supposed to face RVD.

2004 - During an edition of Raw from Bridgeport, Connecticut, Steven Richards defeated Chris Jericho by reversing a Walls Of Jericho attempt into a cradle as Jericho was distracted by Trish Stratus' entrance music and Christian, who was on the stage.  Jericho beat down Richards after the match.

2005 - During a Smackdown taping, WWE Champion JBL "blew up" the United States "spinner" belt that John Cena had brought into the WWE and presented new U.S. Champion Orlando Jordan with the previous version of the belt.  An irate John Cena came out with a pipe, demanding to face JBL, and when General Manager Theodore R. Long offered Cena a rematch with Orlando Jordan instead, Cena gave Long the Attitude Adjustment.

2010 - TNA Impact broadcasts live on Monday night (doing a 1.0 rating) with Hulk Hogan & Abyss vs. Ric Flair & AJ Styles opening the show.  The match is interrupted by a returning Sting, who lays out Hogan and Abyss before walking out.  Sting is cornered by TNA President Dixie Carter on why he attacked Hogan & Abyss (who were babyfaces at the time) and Sting responded by telling Dixie he owed her nothing and walked off.  The match would resume at the end of the program, under No DQ rules, with Hogan & Abyss getting the win.

Richard Trionfo's Impact report:

It is the most important night in the history of professional wrestling since the last time that TNA had a live Impact. Who wants some new music and opening video?

We are live from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘Is that George Clooney in the front row’ Tenay and Taz.

Hulk Hogan and Abyss come to the ring and speaking of rings, Abyss has Hogan’s WWE Hall of Fame ring.

Hogan has the mic and he is going to address the crowd. Hogan tells his blood brother Abyss that it is time to get it started. He says that it is time to take care of the business. Hogan tells Flair and Styles . . . first he waits for the TNA chants to stop. He wants to be the judge, jury, and executioner. He has a list of things for them. He says that when he came here to run the company, he was going to take them to infinity and beyond. However, Flair and Styles changed the rules. They left him in a pool of blood so now it is time for TNA’s reckoning day. For the dirtiest player in the game and his protégé, he wants them to come to the ring because it is time to put an end to all of this.

Match Number One: Hulk Hogan and Abyss versus A.J. Styles and Ric Flair

Styles and Abyss start things off and Abyss doesn’t wait for Styles. Styles with kicks to the leg and chops but Abyss does not budge. Abyss tosses Styles into the air and he goes to the mat. Styles backs into the corner and Flair tags in and he wants a piece of Abyss. Flair with chops to Abyss but Abyss with a punch and chops of his own. Abyss with a back body drop and Flair backs to the ropes but Flair with a low blow to Abyss and then Styles punches Abyss in the ropes. Hogan goes after Flair but Styles with a Pele kick to Hogan. Styles kicks Hogan while Flair kicks Abyss.

The lights go out and Sting’s music plays.

Sting is in the ring and he is staring down Flair and Styles. Sting has his bat and he is going to be the peacekeeper in this match. Sting hits Abyss and Hogan with the bat and Flair and Styles leave the ring but return with a chair. Styles hits Abyss in the head after Sting hits Abyss with the bat. Flair hits Hogan with the chair. Styles kicks Hogan in the head and then Flair takes over and punches Hogan as Hogan bleeds. Abyss is bleeding too as Styles continues the assault.

Security comes into the ring and they try to get A.J. and Flair to leave the ring.

Hogan gets on the mic and he tells Flair and his puppet that this ain’t over. He says that they are going to finish this before the night is over. Hogan says that if Flair is going to change the rules, he is changing the game. It will be a no disqualification match.

We go to commercial.

We are back we have a Moments Ago Moment of the return of Sting and his attack on Hogan and Abyss.

We go to the back where Sting is walking and he is confronted by Dixie Carter. Sting pushes Dixie against the wall and Sting says that he owes her nothing. Sting walks out of the building and Dixie follows.

Taz says that Sting’s behavior wasn’t cool.

Jeremy Borash is in the back with A.J. and Flair. Styles says that there are no do-overs in wrestling. A.J. says that they will beat Hogan up again. Flair says that Sting has finally come to his senses and he said that he always owned Sting. Flair says that he hasn’t even started yet. Ric says that if he is coming out of retirement, he is going to make a statement. They will finish this job and doesn’t care where it happens. Flair wooos a few times.

Abyss is screaming in the back and wants to know why Sting did that. We go to commercial.

We are back and Brooke and Jennifer are in the back. Brooke says that Hulk is not okay. She says that he will say that he is not in pain in front of people.

Frankie Kazarian is in the ring and he has a mic. He says that two years ago, he chose to walk away from TNA. When he did so, he had a lot of doubt about himself. However, after a lot of soul searching, he says that his doubt is gone, live in the Impact Zone tonight. He came back to TNA to reignite the flame of the X Division. He says that the way he sees it, if TNA is going to war, let the warriors of the X Division lead them into battle.

Christopher Daniels comes out and he wants to make something clear. Daniels says that if anyone is going to lead the X Division into battle, it isn’t going to be Kazarian or any of the buffoons in the back. It will be the man who was the X Division before there was an X Division. It will be the longest reigning X Division champion, Christopher Daniels. He is going to tell Eric Bischoff and the world that he will take the X Division to the highest of heights because he is X.

Doug Williams comes out and he says that this is a pretty picture. He talks about two geezers in the ring spouting off like they are superheroes coming to save the X Division. Doug tells them that the X Division is alive and well because he is the X Division title.

Kazarian says that Doug is the X Division champ but when they were pioneering the X Division seven years ago, where was Doug. Daniels wants to know where ‘we’ came from. Frankie tells Daniels that he doesn’t care about what he does because Daniels is a selfish prick.

Eric Bischoff comes out and he says that when Hogan asked him to help out TNA, he was excited because of the X Division because it is the adrenaline of TNA. If he has anything to do about it, he will make it bigger, faster, and stronger. He says that Frankie has a title match at Destination X, the match will happen tonight. Daniels will not be forgotten because it will be a three way match for the X Division Title.

Match Number Two: Doug Williams versus Frankie Kazarian versus Christopher Daniels for the X Division Title

Daniels with a rollup on Williams but Frankie stops it. Frankie and Williams with rollup. Williams with a head butt to Daniels but Daniels with a leg lariat. Daniels punches Kazarian and tries for a leg lariat but Frankie holds on to the ropes. Frankie punches Daniels and Williams with a back elbow followed by a punch to Frankie. Kazarian with a rollup on Williams and a Northern Lights suplex on Daniels for a near fall. Williams with a head scissors and side head lock take down to Daniels and Williams. Kazarian with a somersault dive onto Williams and Daniels on the floor. Daniels pulls Kazarian off the apron and then Kazarian with an Irish whip into thee ring post. Williams misses a punch and Kazarian misses a slingshot leg drop. Williams with a running knee to the head of Kazarian. Williams with a side head lock and punch. Williams gets a near fall while we see Dixie pacing in the back. Kazarian with a jaw breaker but Daniels trips Kazarian and kicks Frankie in the chest. Daniels with an STO to Frankie followed by a quebrada elbow for a near fall. Williams tries to get back into the ring but Daniels with a running knee and Doug returns to the floor. Daniels with a running forearm into the corner followed by a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Williams punches Daniels and goes up top but Daniels stops him. They come to the mat and Williams with a forearm. They each try for a clothesline and then Kazarian with a missile drop kick and all three men are down. Kazarian with a clothesline to Williams and Daniels followed by a clothesline to Daniels and a springboard back elbow and a springboard leg drop to Daniels for a near fall. Frankie puts Daniels on the turnbuckles but Daniels stops him. Daniels sets for Angel’s Wings but Williams with a back elbow. Daniels blocks Chaos Theory with a rollup for a near fall. Frankie with a reverse atomic drop to Daniels followed by a boot and swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Williams struggles to get back into the ring. Daniels with an uranage and he signals for the BME but Kazarian moves. Williams runs Daniels into Kazarian and hits Chaos Theory for the three count.
Winner: Doug Williams

After the match, Shannon Moore comes into the ring and he this a tilt-a-whirl head scissors on Williams and a spinning heel kick. Williams leaves the ring.

Eric Bischoff comes out and he says that is how he likes it. Eric says that Doug’s opponent at Destination X is Shannon Moore.

Jeremy Borash is in the back and he is with Dixie Carter and he asks her about Sting. Dixie says that she is glad that Sting signed his TNA contract because he is in a match. Jeremy asks who the match is against and Dixie says that he will find out.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Velvet, Madison, and Lacey stretching in the back. We go back to commercial.

Match Number Three: Taylor Wilde and Sarita versus Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne with Lacey Von Erich versus Tara and Angelina Love for the Knockouts Tag Title

Wilde and Sarita try for quick rollups on Tara and Love. Wilde with a leg lariat for a near fall. Tara drops Taylor on the mat and Sarita tags in. Sarita with a cross body but Velvet makes the tag and gets a near fall on Tara as she screams. Madison and Tara attack Tara and then Velvet slaps Tara and then they hit a double side Russian leg sweep on Tara. Taylor and Sarita come in and Lacey trips them. Velvet and Madison with drop kicks. Love with a bicycle kick to Velvet and Angelina is with the referee and Daffney hits Tara with the title belt while setting for the Widow’s Peak and Madison gets the three count.
Winners: Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne

Christy Hemme is with D’Angelo Dinero. She mentions that Dinero will be facing Desmond Wolfe tonight. Dinero says that every dog has his day . . .

Wolfe attacks Dinero and works on the injured leg of Dinero. Wolfe takes off his shoe and then hits the ankle with a chain.

Sting is standing on the steps as he makes his way down the steps.

We go to commercial with a blatant Rob Van Dam reference by Taz.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is in the back with the new tag team champions and Lacey Von Erich. Madison says that they are finally the Knockout Tag Team Champion. Lacey asks if she is a champion too and Velvet says that they can’t be champions without her. It is time to celebrate with some bubbly. Velvet says that as new tag team champions, things are about to explode. They spray Borash with the champagne.

Mike wants to talk about what happened with Sting and Taz says that everyone was taken by surprise. In case you missed it because you were watching something else, we see the attack by Sting on Hogan and Abyss.

Sting and Taz talk about how they are shocked at Sting’s actions in the ring. Then we take a look at what Sting did to Dixie Carter. Taz says that it was wrong to put his hands on a lady. Taz wonders who Sting will be facing. Tenay says that Dixie said she would never get involved in matchmaking but she has broken her rule.

Match Number Four: Sting versus Rob Van Dam

Van Dam comes from behind Sting and hits a side kick followed by Rolling Thunder for a three count.
Winner: Rob Van Dam

After the match, Sting hits Van Dam with the baseball bat. Sting hits Van Dam in the leg. He then hits Van Dam in the throat with the bat before leaving the ring.

Sting comes back to the ring and he hits Van Dam in the chest with the bat. He hits Van Dam again with the bat. He hits Rob in the back with the bat. The officials come out and give Sting a stern talking to as he points and they move out of the way. Sting hits one of the referees with the bat and then they hold their arms up and point for Sting to move. Sting hits a second referee.

Sting returns to the ring and he hits Van Dam again with the bat.

Hulk Hogan has cleaned himself up and he comes out. Bubba the Love Sponge comes out to try to stop Hogan. He is with security and Hogan doesn’t go to the ring. Sting decides that since Van Dam is in the ring, he might as well hit him a few more times.

Hogan goes to the ring but he is held back by a lot of security. More bat shots to Van Dam. Sting hits Hogan in the ribs while he was being held back.

Sting is done with Van Dam so he goes up the ramp after Hogan and he hits security members and then goes after Hogan again. Security holds their hands out so Sting knows not to attack them.

Tenay says that he is disappointed at what Sting did. Taz also wonders why he is doing this. Tenay is incredulous that Sting did not explain himself to Dixie Carter.

No time to relax because Kevin Nash and Eric Young come out to the ring.

Nash gets on the mic and he says that for the last month, no matter what they have done, Hall and Waltman have found their way into the Impact Zone. Nash says that he talked to Hulk today and he has a contract for a one time and one time only match for Hall and Waltman at Destination X against Nash and Young. Nash tells them to work their way to the ring to accept the challenge.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hall and Waltman walk right into the Impact Zone. We go back to commercial.

We are back and Nash and Young are still in the ring. Nash wants to know where they are. Tenay and Taz wonder how they get into the building each week.

Hall and Waltman finally make their way into the inside of the building. Security is in the ring and they stand behind Nash and Young. Hall lets out a ‘Hey Yo’. Hall says that 2/3 of the Wolfpac are in the building and then he asks the Big Sellout if he is Hogan’s stooge. Hall says that Hogan isn’t running the show after looking at what Sting did to him. Hall says that they want to get into TNA because it is starting to get cool. Hall says that they aren’t cool. Hall says that when they come into the ring at Destination X. They want to get a contract when they win at the pay per view. Nash tells Hall that they can get the match. Hall wants to know if Easy E wants in on it.

Bischoff tells Hall that if they accept the match and win at Destination X, they will get their fat contract. Bischoff says that if they don’t win, they can ride off into the sunset and do it somewhere else. They accept the deal. Hall says that he will be dressed like Elvis. Young gets slapped and then he goes after Waltman.

Eric says that he is sick of the security being paid so Hall and Nash can leave the ring and Young can do what he wants with Waltman.

Match Number Five: Eric Young versus Sean Waltman

Young punches Waltman and Waltman punches back and hits a back heel kick. Waltman with an Irish whip and Young with a clothesline and back elbow and then he back body drops Waltman. Waltman with a spin kick and then he puts Young in the corner but misses a Bronco Buster and Young hits a piledriver for the three count.
Winner: Eric Young

We see a military Hummer drive up and the troops are here.

We go to commercial.

The U.S. Army invades the Impact Zone and they make a wall for Kurt Angle who comes to the ring.

Angle tells Anderson that he brought a few of his closest friends with him tonight. He tells Anderson that they are the men and women who represent the United States and sacrifice to defend our country. Angle tells Anderson that these people chose to stand up for what they believe in. He says that these are the men and women who are willing to fight and die for people like him. He says that these are the men and women who Anderson spit on two weeks ago. Angle wants to explain to Anderson that he had an epiphany that winning an Olympic medal is nothing compared to what these people do for our country. As a proud American it is his duty to protect and serve these soldiers when bitches like Anderson degrade him. If there is one thing that he has learned over the last year is that you don’t mess with an American soldier. At Destination X, Anderson will find out when he kicks Anderson’s ass up and down the Impact Zone.

Anderson is on the DixieTron and he tells Angle to stop making things about him and the high school dropouts around the ring. Angle attacks Anderson and punches him. They fight into the Impact Zone and then into the crowd. They make their way into the ring and Anderson punches Angle and Angle goes down. Anderson tries to leave the ring, but he backs into the troops. Anderson tells them to move and then Angle brings him back into the ring and Angle punches Anderson. Angle throws Anderson out of the ring and they give Anderson a Code Red. Anderson is back in the ring but Angle throws him to the other side of the ring. There is another side so Angle throws Anderson out again. Angle has a flag and then he is put on their shoulders as we go to commercial.

We are back and Bubba is with Hogan for a heart to heart. Bubba tells Hogan to stop it because Brooke is freaking out. He tells Hogan that he needs to look at himself in the mirror. Hogan says that this is the last time to prove himself. He says that he has to do this.

Earl Hebner enters and he wants a second chance. Hogan tells Earl that tonight is out of control and he has so many problems. Bubba interjects and he tells Hogan that everyone gets a second chance. Bubba says that both him and Hogan have gotten second chances so Earl deserves a second chance. Hogan tells Bubba to let this go and get out of his business. Hogan tells Earl that it would be an honor to be in the ring with him. Hogan tells Earl that if he can’t continue, he has to stop the match if it gets out of control because of Brooke and Nick.

It is time to talk about Destination X and run through the card.

Jeff Jarrett is in the back and he is talking to Mick Foley. Jarrett comes up to James Storm and wants to know if they were forced into the match. James says that he volunteered for this match. Jeff reminds Storm that he hand picked Storm to be a part of the company when he started it and that Storm trained in Jarrett’s father’s backyard. James says that it is about what you can do for him. Jarrett punches Storm and Roode hits Jarrett from behind. Foley wants this to be done in the ring.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Jeff Jarrett versus James Storm and Robert Roode in an Epsenhart Special with Guest Referee Mick Foley

We are back and the match has started as Storm and Roode punch Jarrett at ringside.

They return to the ring and we have the match officially start. Jarrett with a kick to Storm and a clothesline to Roode. Jarrett with a drop toe hold to Storm but Roode with a spinebuster to Jarrett. Roode catapults Jarrett into a DDT from Storm. Storm and Roode pinball Jarrett and Storm kicks Jarrett and hits the Eye of the Storm. Roode picks up Jarrett and holds him for Storm who tries to spit beer in Jarrett’s face but Jarrett moves. Jarrett with a back body drop to Roode and then he clotheslines Roode over the top rope. Jarrett sends Storm over the top rope to the floor. Jarrett has Storm and Roode and sends them into each other. Jarrett sends Storm into the guardrails. Storm holds Jarrett’s leg and Roode knocks Jarrett off the apron. Foley gets the barbed wire baseball bat and he gives it to Jarrett. Jarrett wants to use the bat but another referee takes the bat. Roode with a low blow to Jarrett and then it is DWI and the other referee makes the three count.
Winners: James Storm and Robert Roode

After the match, Foley checks on Jarrett.

Hogan is with Abyss in the Brother Office and Brooke enters so Abyss leaves. Brooke wants to know if daddy is okay. She is acting hysterically and Hogan tells her that it is his second chance. He tells her that he has to do this and he will be okay. Hogan says that Abyss has his back. They talk about what they have lost but this is the last time they go out there.

We go to commercial.

We are back for a bit and Flair gives Styles a final pep talk for their second match tonight. More commercials please.

Match Number Seven: Ric Flair and A.J. Styles versus Hulk Hogan and Abyss in a No Disqualification If you liked it 100 minutes ago, you are going to like it now Match

Flair and Hogan start things out and the youngsters lock up and Flair chops Hogan and punches him. Hogan with an Irish whip and back body drop. Hogan punches Flair and they go to the floor and they fight in front of Brooke (who didn’t listen to her daddy). Hogan chokes Flair with the Brotherdana and then Hogan punches Flair in the head and Flair is bleeding. Hogan bites Flair and punches him some more. Flair chops Hogan but Hogan with punches and chops. Hogan punches Flair against the rail and then he returns to the ring and Flair is on the ramp. Abyss punches Flair in the head. Flair is sent into the ring and Hogan whips Flair with his weight belt. Hogan stomps on Flair and kicks him in the head and runs his boot across Flair’s forehead. Flair with a low blow to Hogan and Styles tags in and he kicks Hogan in the knee and works on it to prepare for the figure four. Styles punches Hogan in the head and kicks him to the floor. Hogan falls to the floor in front of Brooke and Styles with elbows to the head and then he sends Hogan into the ring post. Styles punches Hogan in the head and they return to the ring. Flair takes over and he kicks Hogan in the head and he wants Abyss to enter the ring and the referee stops him. Flair kicks Hogan low and then he punches him. Styles tags in and he punches Hogan in the head. Flair tags back in and he kicks Hogan in the abdomen. Flair with a snap mare and then Flair goes up top but you know what happens when Flair goes up top. Hogan with a press slam and both men are down. Styles tags in and so does Abyss. Abyss punches Styles and Flair and then he gets both men by the throat but Styles and Flair kick Abyss. Abyss with a double clothesline and then he hits splashes into the corner and it is time for the Flair Flop. Abyss choke slams Styles and Flair and Flair goes to the floor. Abyss gets the power from the Orange Lantern but Styles punches Abyss. Hogan and Flair fight on the floor. Abyss sends Styles to the apron and Styles with a springboard forearm for a two count. All four men are in the ring and Abyss Hulks Up and Hogan Abysses Up. Time for punches and stereo big boots. Hogan sends Styles into a Black Hole Slam for the three count.
Winners: Abyss and Hulk Hogan

After the match, Desmond Wolfe hits Abyss with a chair, but Hogan blocks the chair shot from Wolfe. Flair clips Hogan and then Dinero goes after Wolfe. Styles hits Wolfe from behind.

In case you missed him, Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring and he goes after Wolfe, Flair, and Styles. Hardy with a Twist of Fate and then we have no idea because we go to credits.

2010 - WWE Raw (3.4 rating) sees the first, and to date only, Vince McMahon vs. John Cena match.  McMahon made it a handicap match, bringing out a slew of wrestlers to lay out Cena before Vince would make the cover, with Cena kicking out every time, until Batista finally beat Cena down, allowing Vince to get the pin.

Stu Carapola's original TV report:

Welcome one and all to tonight's live coverage of Monday Night Raw, as we officially kick off the long awaited Second Monday Night War!

We jump right into the thick of things with the Undertaker, and I bet he's going to talk about Shawn Michaels. The lights dim to Undertaker purple as the Undertaker says that last week was symbolic of what Shawn Michaels' life has become since becoming #17 in the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. HBK chant starts. Undertaker says that Shawn's life has a dark cloud hanging over him, and Shawn's obsession with ridding himself of that cloud will cost him the ultimate price: his career. Undertaker says what Shawn needs to understand is that after Wrestlemania, there will be no tomorrows, no celebrations, no sense of triumph, for Shawn there will be no victory, only the same dark cloud hovering over his head for the rest of his life. It brings the Undertaker no joy to say that in three weeks, Shawn's career will REST...IN...uh oh, Shawn Michaels' music hits and here he comes to confront the Undertaker. Shawn says that Undertaker hasn't earned the right to finish his line yet, and admits that Wrestlemania 25 has been hanging over his head like a dark cloud and last week he went to bed full of rage, but when he woke up the cloud was gone. He had an epiphany, because the reason he cost Undertaker the title at the Elimination Chamber was because he had no choice, but when Undertaker interfered last week, he didn't have to. Shawn says that for the first time in the Undertaker's heart, he experienced fear. Undertaker says that if he were Shawn, he'd choose his next words very carefully. Shawns responds by saying...FEAR! Because Undertaker's the only one who knows how close Shawn came to ending it all last year, and that's why he asked Shawn to put his career on the line, because he thought he'd intimidate Shawn into saying no, but he didn't. Shawn says he wouldn't risk everything if he didn't know he could beat Undertaker. Shawn says nobody lives a perfect life, nothing lasts forever, and at Wrestlemania, he's going to prove it. Undertaker says he can't tell if he's looking at a man who exudes confidence or if he's really looking at a man full of pitiful desperation. Shawn responds that he's not desperate, and that last year he would have taken a countout or anything that would have given him a victory, but not this year, and then he proposes that this year there's no countouts, no disqualifications, the match only ends by pinfall or submission, and that this year, he's going to kick Undertaker's teeth down his throat and beat him. Undertaker tells him it's a deal, and that Shawn has chosen his own demise. Undertaker says he can look in Shawn's eyes and see the fire, passion, and will, and can look into his soul and say that he sees that he honestly thinks he can beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and that's what makes him the Showstopper, the Main Eventer, and Mr Wrestlemania...but not this year. Undertaker tells Shawn that in his opinion, Shawn may be the greatest to ever step in the ring, but on March 28th, he will open up the gates of Hell and unleash a fury that no mortal man has ever seen to make sure that at Wrestlemania, Shawn's career is over. Shawn tells Undertaker to keep telling himself that, and that after Wrestlemania, the dark cloud is going to come back, but this time it'll be hanging over Undertaker, and the dark cloud is going to follow him everywhere he goes, and inside that dark cloud is going to be an image that will haunt him for the rest of his life, an image of Shawn Michaels ending the streak. Shawn walks off as the Undertaker is left standing, visibly perturbed, in the ring as Shawn turns and stares him down from the entrance ramp.

We're live in Portland three weeks away from Wrestlemania, and later on tonight Randy Orton takes on Dibiase & Rhodes in a handicap match, and Mr McMahon takes on John Cena!

Gail Kim, Eve Torres & Kelly Kelly vs Maryse, Katie Lea Burchill & Alicia Fox

Gail Kim and Alicia Fox start the match, Gail gets a side headlock takedown but Alicia fights her way out and whips Gail into the corner, but Alicia misses a charge and Gail gets a vertical drop to the back of Alicia's neck. Alicia tries another charge to the corner and eats elbow, but Alicia catches Gail with a kick coming out of the corner. Alicia tags out to Maryse who picks Gail up and gets a side backbreaker for 2. Maryse takes a shot at Kelly then gets up in Gail's face, but Gail smacks her in the mouth and tags out to Eve, who comes in with a trilogy of dropkicks, but Maryse goes to the eyes and whips Eve in for a backdrop, but Eve yanks Maryse down by the hair and gets a somersault senton for 2. Alicia and Katie come in, but Kelly and Gail come in with a pair of dropkicks to run them off. Maryse charges Eve in the corner and eats elbow, Eve goes up top and gets Rocky Romero's rolling Fujiwara armbar for the submission win!

Winners: Gail Kim, Eve Torres & Kelly Kelly

We go backstage to guest host Criss Angel, who is hanging out guessed it, Hornswoggle. In come the Bella Twins, who are big fans of Angel's Vegas show. They want to be part of his act, but he has no use for twins, and instead pulls a thread off of one of their sweaters, eats it, and pulls it out his eye. That is just disgusting. They follow this up with Jillian coming in also wanting to be part of Angel's act and she starts singing. He tells her to stops and hypnotizes her so that when she tries to sing, she can't! They should have had him on here months ago.

We see Big Show and Miz walking backstage as we go to commercial.

We're back from commercial, and ShowMiz is on their way to the ring. Miz tells us that John Morrison & R-Truth earned the right to challenge for the Unified Tag Team Title at Wrestlemania, but not since Lex Luger and the British Bulldog have such a boring team gotten a shot at the tag team title, and they'd even rather face the Bushwhackers at Wrestlemania, at least they're an actual team. He says shame on the WWE Universe for not realizing what is standing in front of them, they are hot commodities because they are the last truly great tag team in WWE. This brings out Morrison and R-Truth for a non-title match.

Unified Tag Team Champions ShowMiz vs John Morrison & R-Truth

Truth and Miz start as Morrison baseball slides Show off the apron, and then Truth and Morrison double clothesline Miz over the top, then do a double baseball slide to Miz on the floor. Show comes over to try and grab them, but they ram him into the ringpost and DDT him on the floor as the referee calls for the bell. Truth and Morrison go back to working Miz over and give him a gourdbuster on the guardrail, then get in the ring where Morrison takes the mic and says that Miz says they're not a real team, but they just showed how real they are.

Winner: No Contest

Later tonight: Randy Orton takes on Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes, and Mr McMahon takes on John Cena!

We're back from commercial as we go to a recap package of the Cena-Batista feud, including some of Batista's awesome promo from last week and video of Batista breaking Cena's neck at Summerslam 2008. We go backstage to Josh Matthews, who is with John Cena. Cena admits that he's never beaten Batista, Batista has broken his neck, and taken his championship, and obviously has his number, and the only thing he can do is go out there and beat him. Josh asks him if he anticipates Batista getting involved, and Cens says he's counting on it.

Evan Bourne is backstage thanking Criss Angel for his Money In The Bank qualifying match with William Regal tonight, but is interrupted by William Regal and Skip Sheffield, who come in and Skip asks Angel to perform a trick for him. Regal writes 56 on a piece of paper, Angel guesses it, and Skip tells Regal he owes him a Travis Tritt CD. I wonder how many people are going to buy Wrestlemania because of that segment.

We go back to Elimination Chamber to relive Ted Dibiase eliminating Randy Orton from the Elimination Chamber match, leading into our next match:

Handicap Match: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton

Orton jumps Legacy from behind on their way down the ramp, then jumps in the ring and awaits them as we go to commercial.

We're back from commercial and the bells rings to start the match. Cody starts with Randy, and it looks like we're doing tag rules for this handicap match. Cody takes Randy to the corner and puts the boots to him, but Orton turns it around and goes to work on Cody, whipping him into the ropes and catching him with an elbow. Now, Legacy was able to beat Triple H 2-on-1 so it stands to reason they ought to be able to handle Orton...right? Dibiase tags in and lays in some rights to Orton, but Orton catches Dibiase coming off the ropes with a clothesline and Dibiase backs off. Legacy confers in the corner before Cody tags back in and takes a boot to the gut from Orton, who then whips Cody into the corner, but eats elbow on a charge and Dibiase gets a cheapshot on Orton from the outside. Rhodes lays in a couple of shots on Orton and goes for a cover, but only gets one. Orton backdrops Rhodes over the top and Dibiase tries to sneak in from behind, but Orton catches him and Dibiase hightails it to the floor and Orton stands alone in the ring as we go to commercial.

We're back from commercial as Orton is fighting his way out of Legacy's corner. Rhodes leapfrogs Orton but eats a clothesline, but Orton takes too much time and Rhodes gets a jawbreaker and tosses Orton to the floor where he loses a scuffle with Dibiase. The fact that Legacy hasn't won this match by now makes them look like such chumps. Rhodes goes to the floor and works Orton over and tosses him back in the ring as the crowd starts chanting for Orton. Tag out to Dibiase, who comes in and HITS THE CHINLOCK! Well, he did learn something from Orton after all. Orton fights his way out but Dibiase takes his head off with a stiff clothesline for 2. Dibiase takes Orton back to the Legacy corner and tags in Rhodes, who nails Orton with a beautiful dropkick for 2. Tag back out to Dibiase, who lays in several shots in the corner and chokes Orton with his boot. Dibiase and Rhodes both in now to double team Orton, but Orton fights his way out and has powerslams for both guys. Orton starts working Dibiase over in the corner and gets his pet neckbreaker, stops to admire the Wrestlemania sign, and starts slithering. Rhodes comes in from behind and grabs Orton, and Orton fights him off but Dibiase comes from behind and nails Dreamstreet for the (upset?) win.

Winners: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes

Rhodes hits CrossRhodes after the match and Legacy stands tall doing the Randy Orton pose just to rub salt in the wound.

We go backstage to Batista, as Josh Matthews asks him for his thoughts on John Cena expecting him to get involved in tonight's main event. Batista says Cena is paranoid and gives his word as WWE Champion that he will not get involved in his match tonight, and tells Josh that if he sees John, to tell him that he's pulling for him.

Later tonight: Mr McMahon takes on John Cena!

Triple H is walking backstage...and he looks determined!

We're back, and Triple H is on his way to the ring, spewing water on his way down the ramp and again on the ring apron. I wonder if he does that when he's not at work, like does he do that before dinner and before he goes in the grocery store? Before we hear what Mr H has to say, we take a look back at last week as Sheamus made a surprise return and beat the bejeesus out of Hunter. Back to the ring, as Triple H says he kind of respects Sheamus for what he did last week, because if he got his butt kicked by somebody who cost him his WWE Title and gave him a concussion, he'd want to kick his butt too. Way to put the young guys over, Hunter. Triple H is interrupted by Sheamus, who walks to the ring with a purpose and gets right in Hunter's face. Sheamus says he'll make a statement on Triple H at Wrestlemania if Triple H has the guts. Triple H says Sheamus has probably had the biggest first year of anyone in the business (wink wink), but he's never been to Wrestlemania, and until he's done that, his other accomplishments mean nothing. Triple H says he's been where Sheamus is now, and when he was young he jumped on the biggest star he could get at Wrestlemania, and he got crushed. I wonder whatever happened to that guy? But anyway, Triple H kept at it and became a big star and has fought all the stars at Wrestlemania, and the short list of guys who have beaten him at Wrestlemania have become superstars. But there's a much longer list of guys who have lost to him at Wrestlemania and dropped into a pit of obscurity. Triple H tells Sheamus it's a big gamble, and you have to risk it all for one shot at being immortal at Wrestlemania, or being nothing. Before Sheamus takes that gamble, he had better be sure. Sheamus considers for a moment, then starts to back up...then takes a swing at Hunter. A brawl ensues and Triple H clotheslines Sheamus over the top to the floor, but Sheamus drags him under the bottom rope and works him over on the floor. Triple H dodges the pump kick and dives onto Sheamus, and they both go over the rail. The brawl continues back to the ringside area and back into the ring where Triple H hits a spinebuster and sends Sheamus scurrying to the floor. Sheamus looks really mad as Triple H stares him down from the ring.

We go to the back with Criss Angel, who is deep in conversation with Santino Marella, who talks about all his Italian relatives like Ralph Macchio who were there and then...POOF...disappeared. He name drops Harry Houdini, and Angel says that Houdini wasn't Italian, he was from Budapest. Then he takes out a knife and four cups and tells Santino to hide the knife under one of the cups and not tell Angel which one. Angel turns his back as Santino hides the knife as I wonder what the hell any of this has to do with wrestling. Of course Angel guesses the correct cup and then we go to commercial. See, why would we want wrestling when we can watch this for two hours?

After commercial, we see the Money In The Bank briefcase hanging over the ring as we go to another Money In The Bank qulaifier!

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Evan Bourne vs William Regal

I would love to see this match in ROH. Christian is at ringside with Heath Slater to observe while Regal is accompanied to the ring by Skip Sheffield. No problem with them getting a little NXT plug in there. Regal pounds away on Bourne to start with forearms, but Bourne comes back with some kicks and comes off the ropes but runs into an elbow by Regal. Regal with a second elbow and a butterfly suplex for 2. Regal with his slamplex thing and goes for the running knee, but Bourne catches him with a leg lariat and goes up top and hits Air Bourne for the win.

Winner: Evan Bourne

With this win, Evan Bourne joins Christian, MVP, Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Kane, and Jack Swagger in Money In The Bank at Wrestlemania, and celebrates by pointing at the Wrestlemania 26 banner.

Still to come tonight: Mr McMahon takes on John Cena.

We come back from commercial, and this week's Wrestlemania Recall is, it's Goldberg and Lesnar from Wrestlemania 20! There's something I never expected to see on WWE TV ever again. Speaking of Austin, he's guest hosting Raw next week!

We get a video package recapping the last few weeks of the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon feud, and then we see McMahon walking backstage, and he'll battle John Cena next!

We're back, and next week is not only going to see Steve Austin guest hosting, but it's also going to be Wrestlemania Rewind week as we'll see John Cena vs Big Show (Wrestlemania 20), Triple H vs Randy Orton (Wrestlemania 25), and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho (Wrestlemania 19), as well as the official contract signing for the Bret Hart-Mr McMahon match!

Criss Angel finally makes his appearance in front of the crowd, as Michael Cole informs us that he's been named Magician Of The Decade for the last five years. That math doesn't quite add up. Criss Angel says he's honored to be here live on Raw and asks us if we're ready. Shouldn't he have asked that before the last fifteen minutes of the show? He hypes the crowd up for the main event and introduces the participants, first John Cena and then Mr McMahon, but before the match starts McMahon grabs the mic and says that he knows Bret is watching this in Calgary, and nothing against Criss Angel, but the result of this match will be no illusion, and by the way, this isn't just any's a gauntlet handicap match! Vince motions to the back and out comes Vladimir Kozlov, who rushes the ring to start the main event.

Gauntlet Match: John Cena vs Mr McMahon And Company

Kozlov comes in and lays Cena right out with a powerslam, then gets a double overhook and rams headbutts into Cena's chest, then hits a big spinebuster and tags Vince in. Vince casually strolls over, salutes, and covers Cena...for 2. Vince motions to the back, and out comes Drew McIntyre, who mounts Cena and rains right hands down on Cena's face. McIntyre with a Flatliner and then tags Vince back in, and Vince shoots the half, hooks the leg...and gets 2 again. Vince motions to the back yet again, and now it's Jack we go to commercial.

We come back and Cena's somehow standing over Swagger, leading us to believe the tables somehow turned during the commercial break. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Swagger counters out, rams Cena into the corner, and powerslams him. Vince wants to tag in but Swagger waves him off and hits a running Vader Bomb out of the corner. Swagger says one more time, and nails another running Vader Bomb. Vince tags back in yet again as I wait for Batista to be the last guy to come out. Vince covers and gets 2, then covers him again and gets another 2. Vince motions to the back yet again, and this time it's Mark Henry, and it seems Cena's about to get his wig split. Henry palms Cena's head and gives him the World's Strongest Slam, then tags in Vince, who covers and gets another 2 count. Way to kill the finishers of everybody on your Raw roster! Vince goes to the floor and grabs the mic and ring bell, and declares this to now be a no disqualification handicap Gauntlet Match. Mark Henry tries to talk Vince out of nailing Cena with the ring bell, and Vince says no problem, then hands Henry the bell and tells him to hit Cena. Henry says no way and tosses the bell, then turns around into a spear from Batista. Now here come the reinforcements as Kofi Kingston comes out and attacks Batista, but Batista kills him with a Batista Bomb. Cena attacks Batista and takes him out with a clothesline before turning his attention to Vince. Vince backs off and drops the ring bell, Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but gets speared by Batista, Batista follows that up with the Batista Bomb and wouldn't you know it, that's enough for Vince to finally score the win over Cena. It was a sloppy cover, but at least he hooked the leg. Monsoon would be proud.

Winner: Vince McMahon

Batista stands over Cena and the lights go down as he raises his hands and screams in victory.

2011 - WWE NXT Season 5 kicked off.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We have survived NXT Season One The Movie, NXT Season Two: The Wrath of Miz, NXT Season Three: The Search for Announcing, and NXT Season Four: The Voyage Home. Now it is time to venture into NXT Season Five: The Final Frontier. Who will make it through this season of NXT and make it to Sha Ka Ree

It is time for the moment that you have been waiting for.

We are live on tape from Houston, Texas via the internet and your announcers are Todd ‘I Come in Peace’ Grisham and William ‘Sunshine’ Regal. Your hosts are Matt ‘It is like Groundhog Day but without the presence of Ned Ryerson’ Striker and ‘Still being booked better than Ted DiBiase’ Maryse.

Todd tells us that this show is all about redemption. Todd has a new announcing partner and it is William Regal. Regal says that it is about redemption for one of the rookies.

Matt Striker is in the ring and he welcomes us to Season Five of NXT. Matt introduces his co-host and it is Maryse. Maryse thank Matt and she says that this season is going to be very different. She introduce the people who are part of Season Five of NXT.

Out first is Darren Young. He is followed by Conor O’Brian. Lucky Cannon comes out and he has a new robe that he modeled after Rick Rude. Byron Saxton is out next. He is followed by another Season Four reject, Jacob Novak. The final rookie to come out is Titus O’Neill.

Matt welcomes everyone back and he says that they have been chosen to return for Redemption. This season will be different. Maryse says that they will be competing to be a part of Season Six of NXT. Matt says that there is no immunity. They will be competing for Redemption Points. If there is a tie in the voting between the pros and the WWE Universe, they can apply their Redemption Points.

It is now time to meet Darren Young’s pro and it is Chavo Guerrero. Chavo says hello to the WWE Universe and he tells Darren Young that he is happy that he is his pro. He has been watching him and has seen him work in the ring. Chavo tells Darren that he can’t take it easy like he did on NXT. He has to be like a Guerrero and separate himself from the pack. He challenges Darren to ‘get noticed’. He tells him to do it any way that he can.

The next pro is for Conor O’Brian and it is Vladimir Kozlov. Vladimir tells Conor that he thought Conor tried to impress people too much. He needs to be himself.

Lucky Cannon’s pro is Tyson Kidd. Tyson congratulates Lucky and says that he is lucky because he has the best pro this season. He says that Lucky has been too nice and he needs to take what he wants. He tells Lucky that this competition is for the taking.

Byron Saxton’s pro is Yoshi Tatsu. Yoshi tells Byron that he was overconfident last season. He tells him to be himself and relax.

Jacob Novak’s pro is JTG. He tells Jacob that he had to deal with the drama between Dolph and Vickie. This season it is just them so there are no distractions. They are going to get it popping.

Titus O’Neill’s pro is Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle is wearing something other than green and he calms himself down and he grunts and speaks in tiny Irish. Apparently no one understands him.

It is time to start things off and Jacob Novak will be facing Darren Young when we come back from commercial.

Match Number One: Darren Young with Chavo Guerrero versus Jacob Novak with JTG

They lock up and they go into the ropes and then they go through the ropes to the floor. Young gets back into the ring first and then Young with a clothesline and then Novak makes it to the ropes. JTG gives Novak some advice. Young with a waist lock and Novak with a punch and shoulder tackle. Young with a roaring elbow followed by a power slam for a near fall.

Young with a cravate but Novak with punches. Young with a European uppercut but Novak with a boot to the head and Young goes down. Novak with elbows in the corner and the referee warns Jacob. Novak with an Irish whip but Young with an elbow. Novak with a clothesline in the corner followed by a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall.

Novak with a chin lock and he uses Young’s arm to restrict Young’s breathing patterns. Young backs Novak into the corner and then he punches Novak. Novak with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Young with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Young with a reverse atomic drop and clotheslines followed by a back body drop.

Young hits Heatwave for the three count.

Winner: Darren Young

Maryse is walking in the back and Yoshi Tatsu says that she is going to be a very good host on NXT. Maryse likes the compliment but Byron stops Yoshi from saying anything else to Maryse. Byron says that he would love to work together and strategize for this season.

Maryse leaves and Yoshi tells Byron that his timing is no good.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Todd and William talk about the situation between Rock, Miz, and John Cena.

It is time for a Conor O’Brian video package. He reminds us that he was on Season Four. He didn’t let the WWE Universe see who Conor O’Brian really is. He hid behind a persona and was not himself. He was raised by his mother because his father left when he was two. He says that it was hard growing up. He says that this is an opportunity to focus on the good things. He says that most people don’t get a second chance. He is going to let the real Conor O’Brian come out and he will get redemption.

We go to commercial and we will be back with the Boot Camp Obstacle Course.

We are back and Maryse tell us it time for first challenge of season. This challenge worth three redemption point.

Matt explains the course to the rookies. They must hop over a wall and then go through the army net. Then they will have to traverse a balance beam. Then they will have to do a slalom through flags. They must then pick up a loaded duffel bag across the finish line.

Titus O’Neill goes first and his time is 29.8 seconds.

The second rookie to go is Jacob Novak and his time is 24.0 seconds and he is in the lead.

Byron Saxton goes third. His time is 26.5 seconds.

In the cleanup position, it is Lucky Cannon. His time is irrelevant because he says that he will not be our circus monkey tonight. Lucky then says that he is going to steal Maryse away from Ted but Maryse tell him to talk to hand. Lucky does not compete.

Conor O’Brian is next and his time is 27.1 seconds.

The final rookie is Darren Young and his time is 23.0 seconds and he wins the challenge and earns Three Redemption Points.

Darren and Chavo celebrate his victory.

We go to commercial but when we come back, we will see the announcement of the guest referee at Wrestlemania in the match between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

We are back and they talk about redemption and Regal says that he has had to deal with redemption as well.

Byron Saxton reminds us that he was on Season Four. We see highlights from Season Four but then we see him being eliminated. He says that he made some mistakes and he will take nothing for granted this year. Byron says that they are a group of guys who have been there and done that before. They have also been eliminated. Byron says that he knows that it is his time. He says that he will win NXT. He says that this is his last chance. It might be cliché to say that, but it is his opportunity and his dream.

Match Number Two: Titus O’Neill with Hornswoggle versus Lucky Cannon with Tyson Kidd

They lock up and Lucky slaps Titus on the break but Lucky hides in the ropes. Titus with kicks to Cannon but Cannon tries for a drop toe hold but Cannon cannot get him down. They go to the floor and Cannon kicks Titus and then sends him back into the ring. Cannon with knees to the back and he puts Titus in a rear chin lock. Titus tries to get to his feet but Cannon drops him to the mat. Cannon with a reverse chin lock on Titus and he gets his foot on the ropes for extra leverage. Cannon chokes O’Neill in the ropes and the referee warns Lucky. Lucky with a forearm to the head but Titus punches back. Lucky with a side head lock. Titus with a forearm followed by a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Titus with punches to Lucky and then he hits a flying shoulder tackle and then connects with an elbow before an Irish whip. Hornswoggle pulls Kidd off the apron and the referee stops Kidd. Hornswoggle pushes Cannon off the turnbuckles and then O’Neill hits a sit out spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neill

After the match, O’Neill and Hornswoggle celebrate the victory. Tyson Kidd attacks Hornswoggle and tries to put him in the sharpshooter but O’Neill kicks Kidd out of the ring.

2011 - Shelton Benjamin worked a dark match for WWE.  Benjamin, who had been working for ROH at the time, did not return to WWE at the time  and would sign a ROH deal several months later.  He would eventually return to WWE in 2017.

2012 - reported that James Dewayne Bass, also known as Kelly Monique, 34, of Prospect, TN, has been extradited to Stamford, CT and charged with first-degree larceny and four counts of second-degree forgery after Bass made 61 withdrawals in the fall of 2011 after gaining control of the WWE account by obtaining routing and account numbers of the WWE checking account.  Bass was already on probation for an identity theft conviction in Tennessee.

2013 - WWE broadcast Superstars.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Josh Mathews.


Match Number One: Justin Gabriel versus Heath Slater


Slater backs into the corner to get into Gabriel’s head. They lock up and Gabriel with a side head lock but Slater rolls through to escape and he celebrates. They lock up again and Gabriel with an arm drag into an arm bar. Slater with a fireman’s carry and he celebrates again. Gabriel with a wrist lock take down into an arm bar. Slater misses a short arm clothesline and Gabriel trips Slater and Gabriel celebrates. Gabriel with a back elbow and then he slams Slater and gets a near fall. Gabriel with a wrist lock and arm bar.

Slater punches Gabriel and Slater tries for a hip toss but Gabriel lands on his feet and he hits a monkey flip followed by an arm drag into an arm bar. Slater tries to get to the ropes but Gabriel keeps Slater in the center of the ring. Slater with punches to Gabriel followed by an elbow to the back of the neck. Slater with shoulders in the corner and the referee warns Slater. Gabriel with a chop followed by a snap mare and a crucifix cover for a near fall. Gabriel with a back slide for a near fall.

Gabriel returns to the arm bar and then he kicks Slater. Each man tries for a suplex but they get too close to the ropes. Slater gets Gabriel up and drops him on the top rope and Gabriel falls to the floor. Slater celebrates again as we go to commercial.

We are back and Slater with a reverse chin lock on Gabriel. Gabriel with punches after escaping the hold but Slater with a leg lariat for a near fall. Slater yells at the referee and it allows Gabriel to recover a bit but Slater with a kick to Gabriel’s ribs. Slater tries for a running kick but Gabriel sees it coming and he sweeps the leg and Slater goes down.

Gabriel with a kick to the leg followed by one to the chest. Gabriel with a sit out jaw breaker followed by a roaring forearm and a round kick for a near fall. Gabriel with a forearm but Slater with an Irish whip. Gabriel tries to float over and Slater is able to hit a satellite DDT for a near fall.

Slater punches Gabriel and Gabriel with an inverted elbow drop DDT followed by a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Both men are down but Gabriel gets up first and he kicks Slater. Gabriel with forearms in the corner and the referee warns Gabriel. Slater sends Gabriel into the turnbuckles and then he puts Justin on the top turnbuckle. Slater tries for a running hangman’s neck breaker and he hits it and gets a near fall.

Slater begs with the referee about it being a three count on Gabriel but the referee is not convinced. Slater sets for a power bomb but Gabriel counters with a rana. Gabriel with a leaping back heel kick from the turnbuckles and then Gabriel goes up top for the 450 Splash and he hits it and gets the three count.


Winner: Justin Gabriel


We go to commercial.


Match Number Two: Ted DiBiase versus Jinder Mahal


They lock up and Mahal with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ted with a drop kick and back elbow followed by punches in the corner. Ted with a suplex for a near fall. Mahal trips Ted and kicks him in the head and this a DDT followed by a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Mahal with a back elbow followed by an Irish whip.

Mahal with a leaping knee drop and then he chokes Ted with his knee. Mahal with boots to Ted. Ted works on the injured wrist and then he applies a quarter nelson and chin lock. Mahal with a forearm to the back followed by knees. Mahal goes to the turnbuckles but he is met with a drop kick from DiBiase. Mahal misses a charge into the corner and Ted with a clothesline followed by a knee to the head and a spinebuster for a near fall.

Ted tries for Dream Street but Mahal avoids it. Ted with a rebound clothesline but Mahal with an Irish whip. Ted with a kick to the head and Ted goes to the turnbuckles. Mahal with a knee to the head and Ted taps out in the camel clutch.


Winner: Jinder Mahal


We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

Before our next match, it is time for the Raw Rebound.


Match Number Three: Kofi Kingston versus Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero


They lock up and Ziggler with a side head lock. Kofi tries to escape but Ziggler holds on and Ziggler with a shoulder tackle. Ziggler celebrates his achievement in the match. Kofi works on the arm and applies an arm bar. Ziggler with a reversal into a wrist lock but Kofi with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall.

Kofi with a hammer lock and Ziggler with an elbow and then he applies a sleeper but Kofi escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Kofi with another rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a back heel kick. Ziggler with an elbow to the head followed by a fireman’s carry. Ziggler punches Kofi and applies a side head lock.

Ziggler with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a leaping back elbow and then he leaps into the corner for punches and he rolls to the mat. Kofi with a European uppercut for a near fall. Kofi with an arm bar. Ziggler with punches and kicks in the corner followed b a snap mare and a Hennig-esque leap frog neck snap.

Ziggler with a neck breaker ad then he does and mimics Kofi’s set up for the Boom Drop and Trouble in Paradise.

Kofi with forearms but Ziggler with punches. They go back and forth. Kofi with an Irish whip followed by a monkey flip that sends Ziggler face first into the mat and Kofi gets a near fall. Ziggler sends Kofi to the apron and then Kofi tries for a springboard move but Ziggler hits the ropes to stop him. Ziggler sends Kofi to the floor and then Ziggler does a headstand in the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with punches and Ziggler with kicks. Ziggler takes too long to set up for a neck breaker and Kofi gets a near fall with a rollup. Ziggler with a near fall and then he connects with a series of elbows to Kingston’s head before Ziggler returns to the arm with an arm bar. Ziggler turns it into a side head lock.

Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Kofi with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Ziggler runs into a boot from Kofi but Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Ziggler chokes Kofi in the ropes and then Ziggler does some sit ups. Kofi with a kick to the head while Ziggler shows off. Ziggler with a kick and elbow to the top of the head. Ziggler with kicks and punches to Kofi followed by an Irish whip.

Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and hits the turnbuckle. Both men are down. Kofi with a clothesline followed by a chop and drop kick. Kofi misses a Superman punch and SOS but Ziggler blocks it and he tries for a sleeper but Kofi counters that with the SOS and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler sets for the Boom Drop and he hits it and then he sets for Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler blocks it and hits an inverted suplex for a near fall. Both men are down and Kofi with the pendulum kick and Kofi goes up top for a cross body but Ziggler crotches him. Ziggler with shots to the back of the neck and he tries for the superplex but Kofi blocks it.

Kofi with a head butt and forearm to knock Ziggler to the mat. Kofi misses a cross body and Ziggler hits the Fameasser but can only get a two count. Ziggler with a sleeper but Kofi pushes him off. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise for the three count.


Winner: Kofi Kingston


We go to credits.

2013 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

We start the show off with a video package recapping the recent history of Garett Bischoff's career, his father and Ric Flair's warnings to stay out of the business, and Hulk Hogan telling him that he's got a target on his back because of his father. We then go out to the parking lot where Garett arrives at the arena and tells the Mystery Cameraman that he hasn't changed his mind, and he's going to continue his career regardless of what his dad thinks.

We go to the Impact Zone as Eric Bischoff, Flair, and Gunner open the show so Eric can say that he has to settle more family business tonight. Garett has pushed so hard that he asked Sting to let Gunner pick a partner to face Garett and a partner of his choosing for tonight on Impact. Bischoff says he and Flair have worked together for 20 years through a lot of ups and downs, but he was looking out for Garett like he would look out for his own son by telling him not to come back and face the serious, and possibly permanent, consequences. Flair did that because he's a true professional, and he has Eric's gratitude, but Garett is going to have a real tough time finding a partner because nobody in their right mind would want to be his partner. He ponders on who might be Gunner's partner tonight, but Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes out with his big creepy smile one. He said he'll be happy to team with Gunner against Eric's disrespectful son because he hates Garett for not respecting his father. When Angle grew up, he listened to his dad and he became an Olympic gold medalist. Eric has great advice but Garett just doesn't listen to him, and everybody hates all the Bischoffs, but he's going to team with Gunner anyway and make Garett tap, tap, and tap again.

Meanwhile, Garett is backstage looking upset at this turn of events and we're left to wonder who would possibly want to team with him. In the meantime, Sting is in the bathroom smearing what I presume to be facepaint all over himself while coming unhinged and cutting a promo on Bobby Roode in the mirror telling him he has ten days to go. Eric Young wanders in to hang out with Sting and ask him for his blessing to propose to ODB tonight in the ring. Sting says he's got it and says that she wants it all: diamonds, gold, and a title shot. He makes a match with ODB challenging for the Knockouts Tag Team Title tonight, and Eric Young is going to be his partner. He smears paint on Eric's face and tells him that he's a WARR-YAH and to go out there and be a WARR-YAH before going back to cutting his promo on Roode in the mirror. WHAT a bizarre open to the show!

Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs ODB & Eric Young

Well, I guess it was about time for our quarterly Knockouts Tag Team Title defense anyway. ODB and Gail have a slugfest and Gail tries to go up top, but ODB powers her off the top and hits a powerslam before shaking her boobs at Madison. Madison comes in to dish out some punishment, but ODB sits on the top turnbuckle and repeatedly rams Madison's face into her crotch before hitting a Thesz Press for 2. Gail hits a hanging neckbreaker over the top rope when the ref had his back turned and Madison dumps her out to the floor where Gail puts the boots to her. Gail sends ODB back in and they hit a series of double teams, finishing with a bulldog from Madison for 2. ODB spears Madison out of nowhere and both sides make hot tags, and Eric keeps evading Gail's attack to tie up with the referee instead. He gets both Madison and Gail in a double fireman's carry into an airplane spin. He dumps them both and staggers around before covering Gail for 2. ODB mows them both down with a double clothesline, but goes to the outside and Madison rams her into the ring steps. Gail unloads on Eric in the ring, and he responds by pulling his pants down and grabbing her. Madison comes in from behind with one of the title belts and hits Eric from behind, and he falls on top of Gail with a sex cover and Gail, unable to wriggle out from under his girth, is easy prey for a three count.

Winners and NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Eric Young & ODB

ODB celebrates their championship win, but Eric stops and holds her hand, drops to one knee, and pulls an engagement ring out of...well, somewhere I guess. I didn't see and don't care to rewind and find out. ODB looks stunned, but we'll have to wait until after the commercial to find out what her answer is! Okay, we're back and EY says that they have a lot of momentum on their side: they're champions, they just got the studio apartment they had their eyes on, and it's the right time to do what he's going to do. He asks her if she'll marry him and holds out the ring to him, she takes it and considers for a moment, then drops to one knee and asks if he'll marry her. He goes "YES! YES! YES!" and puts the ring on himself, then bails out of the ring to run around ringside and high five the fans before coming back into the ring and jumping into her arms before they collapse to the mat and roll around making out with each other.

We go out to the ring where...some fat guy shows up and passes through security for some business he's here on. We then go backstage to Bully Ray, who says that memory loss is a sign of a concussion, but he'll remind James Storm that he's the guy who gave him a concussion. He's not making it to Lockdown, because he's going to take him out. Then we go somewhere ELSE in the back, and Aries (who is impressed that Sting has Twitter AND email now) looks at his smartphone and discovers that he's defending the X Division Title against Zema Ion later tonight. He says it's bad business, but he'll beat Ion and then skip the PPV entirely.

X Division Title Match: Austin Aries vs Zema Ion

Aries starts off taking a side headlock and working it hard, Ion tries to send him to the ropes but Aries catches the hair and they roll around on the mat until Aries gets his short dropkick and runs around ringside with his arms raised in victory. Aries comes back in with a rolling senton and a high impact elbowdrop for 2. Zema responds by dragging Aries out to the floor and ramming his back into the ring apron, then they both go to the top rope andAries chops Zema off the corner and to the floor. Aries goes for a Macho Man double axhandle to the floor, but Ion moves and Aries hits the guardrail. Ion rolls Aries back in and covers for 2, then goes up top for a 450 splash but misses. Aries starts to fire back but Ion goes to the eyes and then crawls over to try and grab his can of hairspray. He gets it and slips it into his trunks as Aries grabs him, Zema escapes a brainbuster attempt and takes out the spray can and tries to spray Aries when the ref's back is turned, who ducks and nails Ion. Ion drops the spray can and Aries picks it up and casually spray it in Ion's face, but the referee turns around and sees what's going on and disqualifies Aries.

Winner: Zema Ion by DQ

The mystery businessman walks into the locker room and introduces himself to Velvet Sky as Abyss' brother and asks if he's seen Abyss around anywhere. Velvet says she hasn't, so he thanks her for her time and walks out.

Bully Ray is in the ring and says Calfzilla is here, he gave James Storm a concussion, he deserves to be the number one contender, and he wants Sting to come down and name him the number one contender. Looks like Bubba picked the wrong week to ask for extra attention, because Crazy Sting comes out to the ring telling Bubba he'll do him a favah. He says he can't just make a match because he injured somebody, and Bubba says he can do whatever he wants to, so he wants Sting to make him the number one contender. Sting makes Bubba repeat several times that he wants Bobby Roode, so Sting says he likes a guy with conviction and tells him that he's got Roode. He high fives Bubba, and Bubba thanks him profusely, so Sting says that's the kind of GM he is and the match will be on right after the break.

We go backstage as Bobby Roode is yelling at Sting that he can't defend the title tonight, and Sting says he's not because he's got the title defense against James Storm at Lockdown, but for right now, Bubba is waiting for him in the ring.

World Champion Bobby Roode vs Bully Ray

Roode tries to make friends with Bubba and shake his hand, but Bubba says "You gonna be a punk? Come on and fight me, World Champion!" Bubba takes Roode to the corner, but Roode gets a side headlock, Bubba fires him off to the ropes and runs him over with a shoulderblock. Roode shoves Bubba, Bubba shoves Roode on his ass, and Roode slaps Bubba in the face. The crowd goes "OHHHHHHHHH!" as Bubba slowly utrns back to Roode with his "I'm gonna F'n kill you" face, but Roode with a kick to the gut and a series of heavy elbows and right hands. Roode hits the ropes but Bubba gets a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK BODYDROP and a side suplex for 2. Roode fires back at him, but Bubba goes back to unloading on him with heavy bombs until Roode gets another kick ot the gut and a Blockbuster for 2. Bubba is on his knees and Roode starts punching down at him, but Bubba absorbs the punishment and fires back at him, hitting another BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK BODYDROP, a splash in the corner, and a uranage for 2. Roode dodges a big boot and Roode spears him for 2, but Bubba lays him out and grabs his chain. The referee yells at Bubba to drop the chain, but he's still ready to unload on the champion until James Storm runs in and chases Bubba off. He yells kind words at Bubba before turning around and superkicking Roode's teeth down his throat, then grabs the World Title belt, kisses it, and tosses it on top of Roode's prone form. Okay, no finish so we'll call it...


We go backstage to Garett Bischoff, who says he's been in the ring with Gunner, but now he's got to deal with Kurt Angle and that's big time. The Mystery Cameraman asks if he's picked a partner yet, and Garett says he has and everyone will have to wait to find out.

Matt Morgan and Crimson are backstage and Abyss' brother walks in and asks if they know anything about Abyss and his whereabots, but they don't know anything either so he thanks them and leaves. Crimson continues by saying that they lost, it happens, it doesn't matter that Morgan lost the fall, and they need to concentrate on beating Robbie E and Robbie T tonight.

Matt Morgan & Crimson vs Robbie E & Robbie T

Morgan tears through Robbie E, but then Crimson and Robbie T come in and Robbie T destroys Crimson, slamming him hard and pounding on him with hard forearms. Crimson fires back and hits a chinbreaker, but Robbie E nails Crimson from the outside with the A-List clipboard when the referee wasn't looking. Robbie T picks Crimson up and hits a side suplex and then Robbie E tags in and hits a second rope elbowdrop for 1. Robbie T whips Robbie E into the corner with a shoulderblock to the ribs followed by a clothesline from Robbie T, then a from powerslam for 2. Robbie T keeps unloading with hard forearms and flexes at the crowd, but Crimson with a shot out of nowhere and he tags out to Morgan, who comes in and cleans house on both Robbies. He clotheslines Robbie T to the floor and flattens Robbie E with the Carbon Footprint, but Crimson tags himself in and covers Robbie E for the win.

Winners: Matt Morgan & Crimson

Morgan looks at Crimson in disbelief, but they've now earned another shot at the World Tag Team Title. Sounds great to me!

AJ Styles says Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian are now just former friends to him, but he's got a way to deal with them and they're not going to like it.

Gunner is backstage with his partner for the evening and says that there's no reason he wouldn't want Kurt Angle as his partner, and Angle says it doesn't matter who Gunner's partner is going to be tonight because they're taking him out and that's damn real.

AJ Styles comes out to the ring and says that TNA is coming up on its tenth anniversary and he couldn't be prouder than he is to be a part of making this place what it's been (crowd starts TNA and AJ chants), and he's fought a lot of fights and a lot of big names have come through the company...oh wait, Daniels and Kazarian come out to interrupt him. Daniels says that as the new face of Impact Wrestling, he feels compelled to claim his place in the company. He came back here to stand by AJ's side, but while his friendship got AJ fortune and fame, but all AJ's friendship got him was reprimanded, punished, and fired, and that's why he decided to put himself first and encourage AJ to do the same thing. Kazarian asks AJ if he really wants to know why everyone has turned their backs on him, and says it's because he's gullible and trusting. He's out here naming all these people who have turned their backs on him, and he asks if AJ ever stopped to think that the problem isn't with everyone else, but maybe it's something with AJ and that he's a disease that needs to be cured. He's the Phenomenal AJ Styles and he's never to blame for anything, ever. On this quest for answers, maybe AJ better think about whether that's why he has no friends. AJ doesn't need any friends, because all he sees out here is backstabbing pricks, and they're the reasons he's not going to associate with friends anymore. Instead, he'll take up with an...ASSHOLE. Ken Anderson comes out of the back and he and AJ beat the crap out of Daniels and Kazarian in the ring. Daniels and Kazarian head for the hills as Anderson and AJ stand triumphant.

Garett sticks his head into a locker room and asks some mysterious person if he's ready, and then heads out to the ring. I think it's got to be Goldberg. Or the Ultimate Warrior. That would be COOL!

It's main event time!

Gunner & Kurt Angle vs Garett Bischoff & Jeff Hardy

Angle and Gunner jump Garett and dump him out to the floor, then double team Hardy. Gunner heads out to the apron as Angle puts the boots to Hardy and chokes him on the bottom rope. Angle gets a snap suplex for 2, then goes to a front facelock. Hardy escapes and lays Angle out with a clothesline, but Gunner knocks Garett off the apron and allows Angle to drag Hardy back to his corner so Gunner can tag in and cover Hardy for 2. Hardy fires back at Gunner, but gets rammed into the corner and Kurt Angle tags in as we go to commercial.

We're back and Angle has Hardy caught in a rear chinlock. Hardy escapes, but gets caught and popped up in an overhead release suplex from Angle. Angle dumps Hardy out to the floor and goes to hassle Garett so Gunner can attack Hardy on the floor while the referee is distracted. Gunner comes in and works Hardy over, then tags in Angle, Angle gets caught in a small package, but Gunner distracts the referee and Angle is able to free himself. Gunner with a sleeperhold on Hardy, Angle goes after Garett on the floor as Hardy tries to make the tag, and Gunner manages to drag Hardy back to hiscorner, but Hardy breaks free andfinally makes the tag to Garett, who comes in and cleans house on Angle. He actually does a really good job in there as he flapjacks Angle, dropkicks Gunner off the ring apron,and hits a Silver Slice on Angle for 2. Garett with a double clothesline on both Angle and Gunner and then Hardy hits the Swanton on Angle for the win.

Winners: Garett Bischoff & Jeff Hardy

The winners celebrate in the ring and we call it a night.

Thanks for reading, I'llbe back tomorrow to discuss Impact and more with Dave Scherer on the Stu & Pid Show!

2013 - Judge Marvin H. Shoob of The United States District Court, Northern Division in Georgia ruled in favor of a motion filed by WWE several months back, dismissing the court case brought against the company by former AWA World Tag Team champion Duane "Pretty Boy Doug Somers" Somerson.

In November 2011, Somers filed suit against WWE regarding their usage of AWA footage containing his likeness and matches on four DVDs, WWE Classics on Demand, books and other materials without his personal consent.

In October 2012, WWE moved to have the case (which at that point, had been moved from federal court to the United States District Court in Georgia) dismissed. Their motion at the time cited that Somers was a public persona and any material related to him used by the company was newsworthy and factual. The company argued that any usage of Somers' name and likeness were related to telling a factual, newsworthy story and would fall under the First Amendment, just as a news broadcast or article would be protected. The company even used the court ruling of the late Nancy Benoit and her nude photos being published by Huster Magazine as one of the legal precedents in their favor.

Somers responded to that, claiming that WWE is not reporting on Newsworthy events on their website, but are using the website as a springboard to promote themselves and professional wrestling. Somers also claimed that WWE's cited legal precedents couldn't be applied since their stories weren't factual but were instead a "fictionalized narrative created by the Defendant." Somers also noted that in Georgia, "the commercial use of a person's identity is actionable when it is done for commercial gain," claiming that the only reason WWE maintains their website is for their own commercial gain. Therefore, their use of his image in articles "can only be used for purposes of marketing and/or advertising its product."

Somers also claimed that WWE was trying to create a "self-reporting" exception as their defense for using his name in marketing WWE and asked the court to deny the motion.

WWE promptly responded, claiming Somers' lawsuit was in "full retreat" and asking the court to end the suit. They claim that Somers has failed to bring up any merchandising that allegedly used his name beyond DVDs, which the court already ruled did not fall under his "right to publicity" claim, throwing that out.

WWE responded to Somers' complaints about his name being used on the WWE website, noting they are a "handful of textual references to Somerson's name in the context of historical information" about the AWA and AWA wrestlers. They noted that the references would fall under protected speech and freedom of expression.

WWE also cited that Somers has complained about his privacy being violated in the same lawsuit where he refers to himself as a "highly successful professional wrestler and entertainer." The company also cited that no references to Somers were used to advertise or suggesting any false endorsement by Somers of the WWE product.

It took several months for a decision on the motion to be made, but in the end, the court ruled in favor of WWE and that WWE recover the costs of the legal case from Somerson.

The court noted that Somerson cannot claim invasion of privacy when he had noted he spent years of his life becoming a famous pro wrestling and performed in front of thousands of fans. It also ruled that WWE's usage of his name on their website were a "timeline" of his activities in pro wrestling. It also noted that while Somerson claimed WWE had put his image on a DVD to sell, it was actually only a listing of a match he was included on in a listing that was only available inside the DVD after it was purchased. It also noted that the Somerson's appearances on old AWA tapes would fall under the copyright of the original owner (the AWA) and that WWE has acquired those rights.

The court also noted that Somerson's failure to respond to certain WWE arguments showed he did not have opposition to WWE's motion to dismiss.

2013 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We begin this week’s show with a graphic remembering Bill Moody who passed away earlier this week at age 58.

We take a look back at the end of last week’s Smackdown when Randy Orton and Sheamus fought back against the Shield and got some help from the Big Show. What happens tonight? Jack Swagger attacked three fellow Americans on Monday night. Dolph Ziggler gets his shot at the World Champion, but the title is not on the line. Will Ziggler cash in or will he waste another opportunity?

We are in Albany, New York and your announcers are Josh ‘Week Two of Good Announcing from Me’ Mathews and Michael ‘You Need Me On That Mic’ Cole.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter make their way to the ring. Jack welcomes everyone to Jack Swagger’s America. He says that he is your future World Champion. He wants everyone to show some respect to his friend and mentor. He is a Real American and a Founding Father. . . Zeb Colter.

Zeb wants to get down to it. He wants everyone to admit something to themselves. He wants them to admit that they share the same values as Jack and him. That they share the same sense of patriotism and think alike. They can all see what is wrong with our country, but you are too scared and afraid to say or do anything about it.

Zeb asks if they know anyone who has lost a job because someone has sneaked across our porous borders because they will work for a few pesos or a pat on the head. That is why they are your spokesman and they will be there to help with a new Bill of Rights for legal citizens.

Jack and Zeb give a We The People.

Zeb says that We the People have had enough.

Jack says that he will draw a line in the sand and he is taking America back.

Zeb says that if you don’t agree with them, then you are the problem because he and Jack are the solution.

Alberto Del Rio’s music plays and he comes out with Ricardo Rodriguez and el spit bucket.

Alberto tells Zeb and Jack that they have it all wrong. Alberto has a solution. He is going to show what Jack Swagger’s ‘Real America’ is all about.

We see a ‘video’ of ‘Jack and Zeb’ but Alberto is playing the part of Jack and Ricardo is playing the part of Zeb. ‘Zeb’ has to talk about Mexican Food and he says that it is a plot against America.

Alberto winks at Jack and Zeb as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see what happened last week when Heath Slater interrupted the Honky Tonk Man on Raw.

Match Number One: Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre (with Jinder Mahal) versus Kane and Daniel Bryan in a Non Title Match

Drew and Kane start things off and Drew with a kick and punches. Kane with an Irish whip but Drew moves. Drew with clotheslines in the corner. Kane with a back elbow for a near fall. Drew with a kick and he tags in Slater. Slater with an elbow and Bryan is tagged in. Kane sends Bryan into the corner and he connects with a running drop kick on Slater. Bryan with kicks to Slater. Slater avoids a round kick. Slater tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Bryan lands on his feet. Bryan with a rana that sends both men over the top rope to the floor.

Bryan sets for the knee from the apron but Slater ducks. Bryan lands on his feet and Drew tries to attack Bryan but Bryan stops him. Slater with a clothesline to Bryan and he sends him back into the ring.

Drew tags in and Drew sends Bryan into the turnbuckles and he punches and kicks him. The referee pulls Drew out of the corner and he tags Slater back in. Slater with punches to Bryan and the referee warns him as well. Slater with another punch and he tags Drew back in. Drew with a short clothesline but he misses a short arm clothesline and Bryan floats over and then he hits a Saito suplex and both men are down.

Kane and Slater tag in and Kane with a punch and knee to the midsection followed by a drop kick. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane with another clothesline but he runs into an elbow from Slater. Kane with an uppercut when Slater comes off the turnbuckles and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a side slam to Slater and he signals for the choke slam.

Mahal distracts Kane and Slater with a punch. Kane catches Slater on a cross body but Slater gets ot his feet. Bryan makes the blind tag and Kane bumps into Bryan and Bryan argues with Kane. Slater with a rollup for a near fall but Bryan counters into the No Lock. Kane takes care of McIntyre and Slater taps out.

Winners: Daniel Bryan and Kane

After the match, Bryan continues to yell at Kane.

We see photos of Natalya and Alicia Fox’s trip to Rwanda for Nothing But Nets.

Matt Striker is in the interview area with Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee, and Big E Langston. Matt asks Dolph about his match tonight. Dolph says that the WWE Universe picked him to face Alberto because they wanted to see biggest show stealing match in the history of Smackdown. Is it because he didn’t look like he swam through sewage to get into this country? Yes. It is because of the briefcase and because of Big E Langston. When these stars align, history will be made.

AJ says that they should make history tonight.

Ryback is walking in the back and Mark Henry is standing in the hallway. They stare each other down and snarl a bit. Ryback continues walking and we go to commercial.

We are back and Brad Maddox is at the announce table to join Michael and Josh for commentary.

It is time to take a look back at Raw when Triple H challenged Brock Lesnar to a match at Wrestlemania.

Damien Sandow is in the ring. He says tonight, the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses will face a barbaric brute. A man Darwin’s Theory of Evolution forgot. He demands silence. A man whom instead of chosing to feed his soul with literature and the arts, is more content . . .

with interrupting Damien Sandow.

Match Number Two: Ryback versus Damien Sandow

They lock up and Ryback backs Sandow into the corner and he connects with a shoulder and chop before tossing Sandow across the ring. Ryback with a power slam and Sandow rolls to the floor. Ryback follows after Sandow and he sends Sandow into the ring. Sandow goes to the apron and he drops Ryback on the top rope.

Sandow with a forearm but Ryback does not appreciate it. Ryback chases Sandow on the floor. Sandow gets back into the ring first and he drops an elbow to the back and then hits a clothesline and forearm to the back of the head. Sandow with kicks to Ryback and then he punches Ryback. Sandow with knees to the chest and a kick to the head.

Sandow with a knee drop and a reverse chin lock. Ryback with an arm drag to escape. Sandow with punches but Ryback with back elbows. Ryback with a back body drop and a spinebuster. Ryback sets for the lariat and he connects. Ryback with the marching muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened after Raw ended. Big Show was in the ring and he was confronted by the Shield. The Shield surrounded show and they attacked him from behind after distracting him. Reigns speared Show and then they hit the Cerberus Power Bomb on Show.

Big Show is in the locker room with Matt Striker. Matt asks Show about what happened at the hands of the Shield. Show does not know what their beef is. He will knock out whoever gets in his way. He blames Sheamus and Randy Orton for what happened to The Shield. Show says that his fist is the answer to everyone.

Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston)

They lock up and Ziggler with a punch but Del Rio with a kick to the leg. Ziggler punches Del Rio in the corner. Ziggler with an elbow to the back of the head followed by an Irish whip and a Stinger splash into the corner. Ziggler chokes Del Rio in the ropes and Langston’s fist gets in the way of Del Rio’s head as he walks by Del Rio.

Ricardo throws something at Langston and Langston is not impressed. Ricardo backs up and Langston is ready to destroy Ricardo but AJ tells Langston to stop. Ricardo takes the bucket and he wants to throw its contents at Langston but Big E moves and AJ gets hit with a bucket full of water.

Ricardo wants to apologize but Langston stops AJ. AJ gets into the ring and goes after Ricardo. Langston grabs AJ and the referee sends AJ and Langston to the back. Langston and AJ ask why Ricardo isn’t being sent to the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with an elbow drop and then he hits the delayed leaping elbow drop and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio punches Ziggler and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

We see Jack and Zeb in the back and Zeb gives Jack some advise about dealing with Alberto’s side kick.

Ziggler with a snap mare and body scissors. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip. Del Rio runs into an uppercut from Ziggler but Ziggler is sent into the air by Del Rio and he lands on his chest. Del Rio with a kick to the head and both men are down.

Ziggler misses the Stinger Splash and Del Rio with a forearm to the back and then he climbs the turnbuckles for more forearms and then Del Rio hits an inverted superplex and both men are down again. The referee makes his count but they get back to their feet. Alberto and Dolph exchange punches and kicks. Del Rio with two clotheslines and then he ducks a clothesline and when Ziggler comes off the ropes Del Rio hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.

Del Rio with a running super kick and he gets a near fall. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker but Ziggler with a kick. Del Rio with an Irish whip. Del Rio sends Ziggler into the ropes and he connects with a series of forearms to the kidneys. Ziggler gets to the apron but Del Rio puts him back in the ropes for a lungblower and Del Rio gets a near fall.

Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and he is met with a drop kick from Ziggler and Dolph gets a near fall. Both men are down again and the count is started again. Ziggler misses a Fameasser and Del Rio with a German suplex for a near fall.

Del Rio sets for the step up enzuigiri in the corner but Ziggler meets him and hits a tornado DDT and Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler goes for the sleeper but Del Rio holds on to the ropes. Del Rio tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Ziggler counters with a rollup. Del Rio tries for a tilt-a-whirl move but Ziggler lands on his feet. Del Rio with the float over into the cross arm breaker and Ziggler taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

AJ Lee is in the back toweling off and Daniel Bryan says that she looks like a Shetland Pony. AJ asks Daniel if she is getting a kick out of seeing her humiliated.

Daniel says that since she left him at the altar, he does enjoy seeing AJ in this condition.

AJ says that she doesn’t even care because her boyfriend still has the Money in the Bank contract so she will be with a World Champion. A World Champion who knows how to handle a woman like her. AJ says that she isn’t with him because she was attacked at ringside. She also tells Daniel that she can get along with her partner.

Daniel says that Kane and him handle things their own special way. Daniel says that he didn’t just carry around a briefcase, he was the World Champion.

AJ reminds Daniel he lost the title in 18 seconds.

Daniel tells AJ that she should be used to things lasting 18 seconds since she is with Dolph.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Yoshi Tatsu versus Mark Henry

They lock up and Henry sends Yoshi to the mat. Yoshi with a kick but Henry tosses Yoshi into the air and Henry tells him to get up. Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam and the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Michael Cole reminds us of the Hall of Fame ceremony at Madison Square Garden. We see the Donald Trump video package.

We go to the back where Matt Striker is with Sheamus. Matt reminds Sheamus of what Big Show said about him.

Sheamus says that he is not surprised. Big Show’s ego took a huge dent because of the beating at the hands of the Shield. Nothing is ever Big Show’s fault. When Big Show walks through Universal Studios and everyone yells ‘Shrek’, it isn’t his fault. When Big Show clogs up every toilet he sits on, it is not his fault. The fact that you can smell him from ten miles away because he doesn’t wash his gear, it wasn’t his fault. When he Brogue Kicks that huge mallet off his shoulders, it won’t be Show’s fault. It will be Sheamus’.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at John Cena and the Rock from Monday night.

Layla is at ringside for the next match.

Match Number Five: Tamina Snuka versus Kaitlyn

They lock up and Tamina with a knee and she sends Kaitlyn to the mat. Tamina runs into an elbow and Kaitlyn with a shoulder. Kaitlyn with a back body drop and we see Cody watching from the back on the official monitor.

Kaitlyn misses a shoulder tackle and she hits the ropes and suffers some whiplash and goes to the floor. Layla checks on Kaitlyn and Tamina throws Layla away. Kaitlyn with a forearm to Tamina and she sends Tamina into the ring. Layla also goes into the ring but the referee sends her back to the floor. Tamina punches Kaitlyn and hits the Samoan drop and gets the three count.

Winner: Tamina Snuka

Damien Sandow joins Cody by the monitor and Damien complains about the lack of restaurants worthy of their patronage within 100 miles. He says that they should discuss their strategy against the New Age Outlaws on Monday.

Cody asks Damien about Kaitlyn. Damien calls her a commendable in ring performer. Cody asks Damien what he thinks about her as a woman. Damien says that she has made the most of what she can considering she comes from a deficient gene pool.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Justin Gabriel is in the ring to face the man who has had more debuts than Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes have broken up.

Lillian Garcia does not give the proper introduction for Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Fandango corrects Lillian and says that is unacceptable. He will make his debut when she learns how to pronounce his name correctly. He wonders if everyone is incompetent. He says that everyone can thank Jillian for missing out on the debut of Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Booker T and Teddy Long are in Booker’s office and Booker tells Teddy to tell the strutting flamingo that the next time he is put in a match, he best compete. Teddy asks Booker how to pronounce the name and Booker is not interested. Teddy tries and Booker cuts him off and he tells Teddy to do his job.

It is time to take a look back at the return of the Undertaker on the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Six: Sheamus versus Big Show

Show with a kick and punches to Sheamus but he misses a chop in the corner. Sheamus with punches but Show with a head butt. Sheamus with punches and Show with forearms. Show with a head butt and punch to the midsection. Sheamus with punches but Show with a spear and Show follows Sheamus to the floor.

Show with a chop across the chest. Sheamus with a punch but Show sends Sheamus back into the ring. Sheamus with a shoulder to Show on the apron and then he sends Show into the turnbuckles. Sheamus with the forearms across the chest but Show stops Sheamus before he gets to ten. Show pulls Sheamus to the floor and then Show sends Sheamus into the ring announcer pit. We go to commercial.

We are back and Show with a key lock on Sheamus. We see footage from the commercial break when Show hit an elbow drop. Sheamus punches Show but Show with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Show climbs the turnbuckles for a Vader Bomb or elbow drop but Sheamus stops Show and Sheamus tries for an Electric Chair drop but Show gets away from Sheamus. Show with a kick and a fallaway power bomb for a near fall.

Show with a series of chops in the corner and then he stares down the referee. Show grabs Sheamus by the throat for a choke slam but Sheamus with head butts. Sheamus with a kick to the chest followed by a running clothesline. Sheamus with the shoulder into the corner followed by a knee lift and flying forearm. Sheamus goes up top for the shoulder tackle but he is caught by Show. Show goes for a choke slam but Sheamus counters with a DDT and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus tries to get Show up for White Noise but Show escapes. Sheamus gets Show up and hits White Noise. Sheamus looks around and he pounds his chest for the Brogue Kick. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and Show goes to the floor. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle from the apron.

Show punches Sheamus on the floor and Sheamus is sent back into the ring. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick that knocks Show off the apron.

The Shield’s music plays and they make their way to the ring.

No Contest

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring to make the odds a little better against the Shield.

The Shield enter the ring and Orton and Sheamus fight them off momentarily but Rollins and Reigns go after Orton while Ambrose deals with Sheamus. Big Show gets into the ring and he goes after The Shield. Shield punches Reigns in the midsection. Sheamus takes care of Rollins while Orton takes care of Ambrose.

The Shield leave the ringside area and go into the crowd.

Show with a knockout punch to Sheamus but Orton with an RKO to Show.

We go to credits.

2014 -  WWE ran Madison Square Garden in New York City.  Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

WWE returned to Madison Square Garden in NYC tonight for their final house show in the venue before Wrestlemania 30. It was very much a show where you didn’t feel like anything major went down and the wrestling was OK, but there was nothing memorable when the show was over. Usually the MSG shows “feel” like a step up from the normal WWE live event, but tonight it just felt like another night at the office with guys doing enough but not going out of their way to break out of the pack. It didn’t feel like Wrestlemania was around the bend, that is for sure.

That said, the majority of the audience there seemed to be young children and their family and they were easily the loudest and most into the show, specifically for the entrances and cheering for the heroes. In that aspect, WWE delivered.

There were several instances of chanting for CM Punk but other than the Miz vs. Justin Gabriel match nothing was extremely loud or lengthy. Lots of Punk merchandise in the crowd and WWE was selling different shirts and other Punk merchandise.

*WWE Tag Team champions The Usos defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel & Cody Rhodes and Goldust in a three way match. Good opener. The Usos received a really big reaction coming out. You got the feeling the crowd was really into them and I noticed a bunch of kids walking in the venue with their faced painted like them. A good back and forth match. In the end, The Usos nailed their stereo dives over the top to the floor.  Ryback missed a top rope splash on one of the Usos.  Jey then pinned Ryback with a splash off the top.

*The Miz vs. Justin Gabriel went to a no contest when Ryback hit the ring and attacked both. Miz received a nice reaction. Gabriel received no real reaction coming out. They were both babyfaces and went back and forth. Ryback took the mic and said that there’s too much negativity in NYC and the fans were responsible for where he is now. He said tonight was the night he took his destiny back into his own hands. Miz grabbed him and nailed the Skull Crushing Finale. Gabriel hit the 450 splash. That got a nice pop from the audience.

*WWE Women’s champion AJ Lee pinned Cameron. They did a fan voting for a title match or a dance-off. The dance-off won. Cameron danced and Lee, disgusted, walked off. Cameron goaded her back into the ring by ripping her on the mic. Lee was worked over early but came back for the win after Tamina distracted Cameron, allowing Lee to nail the knee from behind.

*Kofi Kingston pinned Damien Sandow with the Trouble in Paradise as he argued with referee. Sandow came out and demanded a better reaction and went to the back and returned to get more heat. They spent a lot of time in the ring going back and forth. OK but nothing great,  Sandow used a Scorpion deathlock variation and when Kingston got to the ropes to force the break, Sandow argued with the referee, setting up the finisher.

*Daniel Bryan pinned Kane with the running knee. Triple H came out and cut a promo about being back in MSG and talked about all the stars who had headlined there, namechecking Bruno, Hogan, Hart, Michaels, Austin, Backund and himself, saying they were all A+ players, while Daniel Bryan is just a B+ plus player. He said the Yes Movement was like a Bowel movement. I did think that was a funny line. He said he’d never face Bryan. Good heat for HHH. Bryan received a nice reaction but not a thunderous reaction like you see on Raw and expected here. Lots of Yes chants but nothing that shook the foundation of MSG. The match was similar to what we saw on Main Event Tuesday and was fine. HHH stopped Bryan from getting the pin by tossing the referee, John Cone out of the ring. A second referee hit the ring and Bryan kicked out of a chokeslam.  Kane was so mad he hit that referee.  Kane was tossed a chair by HHH but Bryan nailed the knee and scored the pin. Bryan ended up with the chair and HHH said that if Bryan didn’t have it, he’d get in the ring and kick his ass all over MSG. Bryan tossed the chair to the outside and invited HHH in the ring. HHH took off his jacket and shirt and they teased fighting but out came Stephanie McMahon, flanked by Finlay and security. Stephanie said this was never going to happen and told Bryan he was never going to main event Wrestlemania. It ended with Bryan nailing the running knee and hit a dive to the outside on Kane and HHH. The crowd loved that and really got into the “Yes” chant.

*Vickie Guerrero came out and said she had a surprise. She introduced the NXT Tag Team champions The Ascension, who came out with the belts. They faced Los Matadores with Torito. The crowd didn’t seem very familiar with Ascension, so that led to a lot of apathy and quiet as the audience watched. The match was OK, but no really standout moments. The Ascension won with their finisher. Afterward, The Matadores ran off Ascension, which left Guerrero in the ring. Torito gored her in the butt, which the crowd loved. This was Torito and Ascension's MSG debut.

*Dolph Ziggler pinned Alberto Del Rio with the Zig Zag. A nice reaction for Ziggler coming out. A solid back and forth match. Del Rio went for the armbar at the end but Ziggler slipped out and nailed the finisher. At one point, Del Rio hopped over the rail and faced off with a fan that was jawing with him. The crowd was much more into Ziggler than you'd expect given his placement on the roster.

*John Cena and Batista defeated Bray Wyatt and WWE World Heavyweight champion Randy Orton. Cena received the biggest reaction of anyone on the show coming out by far. Batista didn’t receive much of anything – there weren’t tremendous amounts of cheers or over the top booing, he was just sort of there. Wyatt and Orton received nice reactions. This was Wyatt's MSG debut and he had a video where he told MSG "I'm here" and came out alone with a lantern. The audience was clapping to his music. Batista worked most of the early part of the bout, being worked over by Wyatt and Orton. The kids were really into Cena. In the end, Orton accidentally knocked Wyatt off the apron. He had Cena on the run, but Cena made a comeback and went to tag Batista, who dropped to the floor and then walked off. Orton had Cena beat but Wyatt returned to the ring and nailed Sister Abigail to get revenge for being knocked off the apron and Cena nailed the AA for the pin on Orton. A really solid main event.  Wyatt hung with Cena and Batista and looked credible.

Notes: It was a healthy crowd but nowhere near a sellout. Scattered empty seats all over the place….CM Punk shirts and other merchandise were being sold at the venue….They return on 7/12. There is an ongoing pre-sale right now using code WWEGARDEN….One of the biggest pops of the night was for a photo of Hulk Hogan that was shown on the video screens as WWE had rotating photos from recent events interspersed with texts and tweets from fans….Justin Roberts did the ring announcing. This is the part of the article where I say it is completely stupid not to have Howard Finkel ring announcing in MSG.

2015 - EVOLVE ran EVOLVE 38 in Deer Park, Long Island.  

*Biff Busick beat Martin Stone in a solid opener. both guys did a solid job together, It was a very quick match though. Biff challenged Chris Hero to a match Wrestlemania weekend in San Jose after the match.

*Team Tremendous, Dan Barry and Bill Carr defeated Earl Cooter and Jody Kristofferson with Larry Dallas. Very entertaining match action, packed to the max. Team Temendous are a team to be watched out for, no doubt.

*AR Fox defeated Matt Cage. high flying and another fun, entertaining match. The crowd loved every second of it. They worked their tails off. AR Fox does an awesome 450 splash, no doubt.

*Chris Hero defeated Drew Gulak. Lots of technical wrestling, but they told a great story of who could get the better of the other. The match really delivered, despite it being a slower pace at times. Hero wins with a tombstone. Hero gets on the mic and says there's two type of people: people who challenge Chris Hero then there's Chris Hero. Hero then accepted Biff's challenge for a match Wrestlemania weekend. Hero and Biff got into it, with Hero saying Biff has no right to say Hero's name. Their Mania weekend match should be a ton of fun.

*The former Justin Gabriel, PJ Black defeated Caleb Konley. A really fun match for Black's EVOLVE debut. He's starting to get into that style so the match was kinda slow at times but both put on a real solid effort here with PJ winning with a springboard 450 splash.

*Davey Richards defeated Anthony Nese. An excellent match. This match felt like a half hour long and it was a ton of fun. Davey legit felt happy to be there even kissed the ring after the match. They really busted their tails in this one and at the end it ended up being the show stealer. I thought this was an awesome match, so go out of your way to see it. Anthony Nese will be a future EVOLVE champion I think.

After an hour long intermission because they had to set up the steel cage which they tied together and held together with bungee cords, we finally got the main event of the evening.

*Roderick Strong defeated Drew Galloway via knockout in a steel cage match. Roderick cut a promo before the match how their feud has ended up here. He tried to run away. Drew came out and they brawled around the ring, using the cage as a weapon. They then entered the ring to start the match. This was brutal as hell. A lot of the stuff they did and how hard the ring was, I was cringing at times. That steel cage is like a steel fence just brutal stuff. Roderick wins when he KO'd Drew and the ref stopped it. After the match, PJ Black came out to help Drew. Strong ran away after that. Black challenged Drew to a match Wrestlemania weekend which Drew accepted. Drew then cut a great promo how they had their first match in Brooklyn. They had an excellent cage match in Brooklyn and now he wants to have one more match with Roderick to end it all next time EVOLVE is in New York City.

Gargano then talked about how there are too many titles in EVOLVE so he made a challenge to DGUSA Open the Freedom Gate champion Johnny Gargano at the WWNLive Supershow on March 28th in San Jose for a title unification match to unify both titles which looks set since the ring announcer announced it as they closed the show. Drew's post match speech was awesome great way to send everybody home happy!

Final thoughts: A very fun show and a very fun night of wrestling. The show was a great way to set up and gain momentum heading into the Wrestlemania weekend shows out West. The NYWC building is awesome. I think I love seeing wrestling there, so hopefully EVOLVE comes back in the future.

The mics sucked as wrestlers kept going in and out when they were cutting promos even the ring announcers lines were cut off must be the building.

The cage set up took an hour as they basically had to put bungee cords to keep the cage up and sturdy.

The show started a half hour late as the FTW show ran long so we didn't get in until 10 after 8pm. I highly recommend checking this show out on Video on Demand. It's a great way to go into Wrestlemania weekend for sure. I'll definitely see EVOLVE again in the New York area. Very fun show live!

2017 - Chaotic Wrestling held their "Red Carpet Chaos" in Nashua, New Hampshire.  Paul Crockett filed the following live report:

It’s the go-home show for Chaotic Wrestling as they head into their huge “Cold Fury” show in a little over a week.  Before Cody Rhodes comes to town, though, they make their return here at Chunky’s Cinema for another mid-week show.  Yes, you read that right.  We’re at a specialized movie theatre where instead of just seats, it’s seats with tables where you can order full meals and drinks.  They’ve had a couple of very successful shows here in the past, and this show looks to continue with that tradition.

MATCH ONE: Christian Casanova (with Josh Briggs) v. Warbeard Hanson

The beginning of the match consisted of Casanova, who was outweighed by about 150 pounds, trying headlocks and chops against Hanson to no avail.  A distraction by Briggs on the outside allowed Casanova to hit a DDT and get the heat on Hanson.  Throughout the heat, Casanova would occasionally pull the referee aside to allow Briggs to work over Hanson from the floor.

Briggs tossed Casanova a gold chain.  He went for a punch but missed.  The ref checked on Casanova and Briggs got in the ring.  Hanson ducked a clothesline and hit him with a spinning kick.  The ref went to admonish Briggs and that allowed Casanova to hit Hanson with the chain and roll him up for the win.  Decent opener.

WINNER: Christian Casanova

MATCH TWO: Adam Booker v. Brett Domino

Domino, a very fresh trainee from the New England Pro Wrestling Academy, is here against the veteran in Booker.  There was a lot of very good back and forth early on, with Domino looking very comfortable despite not having a lot of matches under his belt.

Domino was getting the better of the exchanges until they went to the floor and he missed on a forearm and smashed himself into the post.  From there, Booker got the heat on him.  Domino’s strength is in selling and showing babyface fire, and it was on great display here.  While there were times he was a little tentative, his promise and potential was evident.

While he was able to get in a good amount of offense, it was a top rope flying elbow and a Cloverleaf that scored Booker the win.

After the match, Booker cut a promo on Dijak saying that tonight was a taste of what’s in store for him at Cold Fury.

WINNER: Adam Booker

MATCH THREE: Chaotic Tag Team Championship – The Mill City Hooligans (Bryan Logan& Chase Del Monte with Matt Logan) (c) v. The Cam-An Connection (Cam Zagami& “All Good” Anthony Greene)

It’s Freebird rules for the Hooligans, and they decided who was wrestling tonight with a three-way game of rock, paper, scissors.

Lots of comedy early with Del Monte and Bryan both missing Zagami on chops and hitting each other instead.  Zagami and Greene both took turns having the advantage with fast paced offense until Matt got involved on the outside and the numbers game caught up with Zagami.  They ended up getting the heat on him from that point.

Hot tag to Greene who runs wild.  He showed good fire and the crowd got behind him. It was looking “All Good” for him until he went off the top rope and got kicked in the gut by Del Monte.  That turned into a top rope spike cradle piledriver for the win by the Hooligans.  Good match.

Del Monte got on the mic after the match and put himself over as a GOD!  He was about to run down his Cold Fury opponent Elia Markopoulos when Chaotic GM Johnny Vegas came to the ring.  He congratulated him on the tag team title defense, but said he has another title that he has to defend before Cold Fury, so he has to defend it tonight.  Del Monte said there are no challengers.  Vegas said there is, and that he has to defend right now…against Donovan Dijak.

MATCH FOUR: Chaotic Heavyweight Championship – Chase Del Monte v. Donovan Dijak

Before the match started, Vegas banned The Logan Brothers from ringside.

Dijak came out hot, getting a quick near fall on a discus Mafia kick.  He was in complete control until Del Monte threw the title belt in the ring.  As the ref retrieved it and brought it outside of the ring, he took one of the tag belts and hit Dijak with it but only got a two count.

It went back and forth from there, and it looked like Dijak had it won when he hit the Feast Your Eyes, but Adam Booker pulled the referee out of the ring before the three count.  Dijak and Booker jawed at each other on the apron and Dijak dropped him with a punch.  Booker with a distraction that allowed Del Monte to hit Dijak with the cradle piledriver for the win.  There was some really suspect refereeing in this one.

WINNER: Chase Del Monte

MATCH FIVE: Dan Terry & Patrick Dalton v. Scotty Slade & Brandon Locke

The match started with Slade, who is about 5’6” and 125 pounds, having a super posedown with Terry.  I wouldn’t call Terry a specimen, either, so this was done for comedic effect.  They then traded clapping push-ups.  Slade then asked Terry how his cardio was and said “let’s run the ropes.”  As Terry did, Slade tripped him and we were off.

Slade and Locke were in control and having a lot of fun doing it when the heels got the advantage with some double teaming.  They cut the ring off on Slade and used quick tags to keep their offense fresh.

Hot tag to Locke.  There seemed to be some points where the heels didn’t know which way to run or where to bump.  I don’t know if I can describe it properly.  It’s not meant to be disrespectful it just seemed there might have been some miscommunication or something.

Slade and Locke started to argue about who should finish the match and how.  That allowed the heels to get in one more shot, but it was not the be, as Slade and Locke finished it when a wheelbarrow slam for the win.

After the match, Slade got on the mic and told Locke that they may not have liked each other much in the past, but at Cold Fury, why don’t they go and win some tag team titles.  It looks like they are the fourth team in the tag title match along with the Logan Brothers, EYFBO and the Cam-An Connection.

WINNERS: Scotty Slade & Brandon Locke

MAIN EVENT: JT Dunn v. Elia Markopoulos

Dunn was very aggressive with the referee to start the match, pushing him into Elia to gain an upper hand.  After snapping at the last show and taking out multiple refs and ring crew members, JT is now a heel in Chaotic, and drew a few “you sold out” chants.

He kept the advantage and put the heat on Elia, taunting the audience by yelling out “OPA!”  Dunn did his best to keep Elia down and heel the crowd.  Elia eventually fired up and made his comeback.  They went back and forth from there.  Dunn removed his elbow pad to go for the big elbow but ran into a spear.  He followed it with a Jackhammer for the victory.  Did he really just finish the match with Goldberg’s signature moves?  Yeesh.  He goes into the big title match at Cold Fury with a big win, but despite being the babyface, he didn’t get a huge reaction from the crowd.

On the big screen, Del Monte popped up and warned Elia never to turn your back.  This brought Del Monte into the ring to sneak up on Elia and took him down.  Del Monte and Dunn then went face to face.  Elia got up and speared Del Monte.  As Del Monte and Elia brawled to the back, Hanson hit the ring and took down Dunn, so we have another matchup for the show.

WINNER: Elia Markopoulos

This was another fun (and really quick) show from Chaotic.  They set up all of their big angles heading into Cold Fury on the 17th and some of the younger talent got a chance to work, so it was a thumbs up.  If they’re ever in your neck of the woods, check them out, especially if you have kids.  It’s a perfect family show.

 Check them out online @chaoticwrestlin and at

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