I saw there were rumors online of a Wyatt Sicks Halloween Horrors house at Universal Studios this Halloween season. Anything to it?
I saw those rumors awhile back and when I reached out to some WWE sources who would be aware of such negotiations, they pretty much stated that there wasn't any deal done. So, is it possible? Sure. Is it a done deal? Nothing sounded like it was, but that could change in time.
What do you think was the biggest romance storyline in pro wrestling?
Well, Randy Savage and Elizabeth really comes to mind, since they basically did the soap opera breakup, reunion and wedding deal in the late 80s and early 1990s. There's been lots of wrestling weddings and things of that nature, but I think that one might be the apex in terms of one that people really believed in.
Do you think Hulk Hogan will ever realize why he's getting booed? Does he want people to keep booing him?
Not until he wants to, and I don't think he wants to ever publicly acknowledge it. He's the one preventing himself from being forgiven by the fans. I don't think he wants to be booed, but I also think he's at the point where he's going to blame it on things he can't control as opposed to realizing that if he was contrite and humble and apologetic - or perhaps did something meaningful to show that, eventually the ice would break and many (not all) would begin to embrace him again.
There's so many veterans who have embarrased themselves. Why do you think Sting has been immune to that?
That would be a question for Sting, but I agree that he's pretty much maintained a sterling reputation in terms of his behavior in the public eye. I would think at least a good part of it has to do with his personal faith and his level of maturity as he got older. A lot of wrestlers become trapped emotionally at the age they enter the business and when it's over for them, it's a hard blow to take because they don't have the inner maturity to deal with it since they basically lived years/decades in the bubble of the circus, so to speak.
How often do you get phone calls from people you respect calling you to defend someone you write/speak negative things about, or defend them when those people are obviously in the wrong, like the case of an arrest?
It happens from time to time, but not nearly as much as you might think. It's far more often that someone calls you trying to knock or undercut someone THEY don't like and you have to weigh in what their reasoning for that is. Are they trying to hurt someone's public perception? Get their spot? Is there a personal issue? You have to always think about why someone who is a source may be giving you information and try to double source it. It's never the same process. Have there been people mad at me because I reported an arrest? Sure. It happens.
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