Your announcers are Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett.
Drew attacks Damian Priest as he walks through the back. He sends Priest into a storage case and walks away.
We take a look back at highlights from Elimination Chamber.
Randy Orton's music and he makes his way to the ring.
Randy looks around and he waves to the crowd.
Randy says a lot of crazy stuff has happened since he was gone, just like the last week or so. Since he started in this business, John Cena, has always been on the top of this profession. Now, he is just a bottom for Rock. Randy suggests that gives new meaning to Rock Bottom. Randy welcomes everyone to Smackdown. Randy says John was one of the few friends. He says another friend was Kevin Owens. Randy says they have a lot in common. They have done vile things to get the job done. They have crossed the line, but it was all business. Kevin, the wrestler, he respects. His story to get to WWE is quite admirable. Randy says he admires Kevin the wrestler. It is Kevin Owens the man he has a problem with.
Randy says never underestimate a jealous man's ability to destroy another man. Randy says that is Kevin Owens. Kevin's veins run with jealousy. Look at Cody Rhodes. He dropped Cody on his head with a pile driver. Kevin will say he did it because Cody chose Roman. Randy says Kevin was jealous of the gold around his waist. Sami Zayn, they fought on the way to WWE, but they remained friends. Kevin tried to drop Sami's head on the concrete. Kevin will say it was because Sami helped Roman. It was because Sami became a bigger star than Kevin.
Randy says Kevin dropped him on his head with an illegal pile driver because he was protecting his friend. Why is Kevin jealous? He has held every title in WWE. Everyone's goal is to main event Wrestlemania and Kevin has done it twice, one time against Steve Austin. What does Kevin have to be jealous about? He is never satisfied and nothing is enough.
Randy says he was told that his surgery was career ending, but he would not take no for an answer. He says not to take a moment for granted or let anything piss him off. Randy says Kevin done pissed him off. When he came out to save Sami, he came out and gave Kevin an RKO. Randy thought what was the feeling that came over him. That would have been enough to satisfy him. Something came over him that he hasn't felt for a decade or a decade and a half. Randy says he liked it. The voices started talking to him again. They told him to back up and kick Kevin in the head so hard his closest family members couldn't recognize his face.
Randy tells everyone to listen to him. He will prove that Pat McAfee is only the second greatest punter in this company.
We see Chelsea and Piper interrupt Tiffany and Nick with Chelsea complaining about the unconstitutionality.
Tiffany tells Chelsea to shut up and Piper asks if she is censoring her.
Tiffany suggests a match with Piper and Chelsea says no.
Nick likes the idea and Tiffany leaves in a good mood.
Match Number One: Tiffany Stratton versus Piper Niven in a Non Title Match
They lock up and Piper backs Tiffany into the corner and Piper pushes Tiffany on the break. Tiffany pushes back. Piper sends Tiffany to the mat by the hair. Tiffany with a side head lock and she holds on when Piper tries to send her off the ropes. Piper with a shoulder tackle. Piper misses a back senton and Tiffany with a drop kick. Tiffany with a slingshot hesitation senton for a near fall. Tiffany with a handspring back elbow attempt but Piper catches Tiffany and sends her to the floor. Piper goes to the floor and hits a cannonball off the apron.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Tiffany with a take down and clotheslines followed by a shoulder tackle to send Piper to the mat. Tiffany with a handspring back elbow followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Piper with shoulders in the corner but she misses a splash and Tiffany sends Piper to the mat. Tiffany goes up top and she hits a swanton for a near fall. Piper with a Bossman Slam for a near fall. Piper goes for a Vader Bomb and misses. Tiffany with a Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the three count.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton
After the match, Charlotte Flair clips Tiffany and then she sets for a figure four leg lock and applies it. Charlotte bridges in the hold and officials come to the ring to try to stop Charlotte.
Nick Aldis mentions what is going to happen with the tag teams in March.
He says the MCMG beat DIY and then won the tag titles. The Street Profits were supposed to have a title match but they got injured by DIY. Then they were attacked again. DIY won the titles when they took the Street Profits' place. Then there was a web of confusion over who attacked the Street Profits.
At the Royal Rumble, the tag title match was interrupted by the Street Profits and there has been disarray.
Next week, The Street Profits face DIY for the tag titles. The other three teams will meet tonight to see who is the next in line.
Match Number Two: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin versus Elton Prince and Kit Wilson versus Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo in a Next in Line Number One Contender Match
Kit and Sabin start things off and Angel tags himself in and he tells Sabin to get out. Kit with a drop kick to Angel and Angel goes to the floor. Both go for drop kicks and Angel catches Kit in a tender place and he takes off his pants. Alex tags in and so does Humberto. Everyone is in the ring and they split up. Alex and Sabin take care of Kit and Elton but Elton and Kit with super kicks. Angel and Humberto knock Kit and Elton off the apron. Humberto with an assisted double drop kick to Alex and Chris. Angel and Humberto go to the turnbuckles for stereo moonsaults. Humberto punches Alex and they go back into the ring since they are the legal men in the math.
Humberto with a snap mare and a kick to the back. Humberto gets Alex up for a slam and a back roll into a moonsault for a near fall. Angel comes in and Humber holds Alex on the apron and Angel with a knee while Humberto kicks him in the back. Angel chops Alex. They return to the ring and Elton tags in and they taunt Angel. Elton punches Alex. Alex punches Alex and Kit as he tries to fight his way out of the corner. Kit goes up top and Elton elevates Alex for a bulldog off the turnbuckles. Kit gets a near fall. Kit with a European uppercut. Kit with an Irish whip and a jumping back elbow into the corner. Kit with a second jumping back elbow. Elton tags in and Alex kicks him away. Alex with a flatliner and DDT combination.
Sabin tags in and he goes up top for a missile drop kick. Sabin with a kick to Angel and then to Humberto followed by a head scissors off the turnbuckles. Sabin with a back elbow followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall. Elton tags in and Humberto kicks Sabin. Elton with a forearm to the back of the head. Angel with a pop up kick. Kit takes care of Angel but Humberto with a springboard round kick. Sabin with a satellite head scissors. Sabin with a suicide dive onto Angel, Humberto, and Elton.
They go for Skull and Bones but Kit pushes Alex off the turnbuckles. Elton with a back slide for the three count.
Winners: Kit Wilson and Elton Prince
We take a look back at the return of Jade Cargill with a focus Bianca's pod.
Coverage Continues on Next Page
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